The following types of Application cannot be processed via this service:

  • Set up in Trust
  • Under Power of Attorney
  • Under Assignment
  • Sliced
  • Life of Another

If the Application is for one of these types of policies, then a paper application should be completed.

Registered Individual Name

If you are the Registered Individual please enter your details in the First Name(s) and Surname fields. Otherwise, please enter the name of the Registered Individual who has requested the Application.

Enter your own reference

You can enter any reference you like up to 25 characters long. You do not have to enter a value in this field.

Basis of Application

Select an option for either a single life or joint life Application. For joint life Applications, the death benefit will only be payable when both persons covered by the plan have died.

Single or Joint Ownership

Select whether the Bond is to be single or joint owned. For joint life cases where only one of the clients is to be an owner, it will be assumed that this is the first client entered. The owner(s) must be aged 18 or over and resident in the UK.

Advice Category

Select the appropriate category based on the basis of the sale. Selecting 'advised' will allow appropriate adviser charge details to be entered on subsequent screens. Selecting non-advised will assume no adviser charges are applicable to the sale.


Click on Next to enter the client details. Depending on your answers to the above questions you will be asked to enter one or two sets of details.

If one set of client details is displayed:

If only one set of details is displayed then you will have selected single life, single owner on the previous page. If this is not correct, please click on 'BACK' to change the basis for the Application.

If two sets of details are displayed:

If two sets of details are displayed then you will have selected joint life, joint owner or joint life, single owner on the previous page. If this is not correct, please click on 'BACK' to change the basis for the Application.

Please complete the Title, First names, Surname, Date of Birth and Gender details for the client(s) as appropriate.

You may also enter a Telephone number and email address for the client(s)

For Joint life cases with a Single owner, please enter the owner and first life as the first set of details and the second life as the second set of details. The telephone number and email address details can only be entered for the first client.

Tax Residency

All applicants must confirm if they are resident for tax purposes in countries other than the UK. If they are only resident for tax purposes in the UK, you do not need to provide any more information.


Click on the Back button if you wish to view or amend the Application for this client.


Click on the Save button at anytime to save the data entered on the Application so far. The Application can be retrieved by using the Retrieve Application service.


Click on Next to provide the Client Address Details.

Please enter the full private residential and permanent address for each client, including postcode

Get Address

Entering a Post Code only, and activating the 'Get Address' button will return a range of address's matching the post code, however it aids the search to enter the building number also. A list of appropriate address details will appear in the 'Select Address' field. Clicking on the appropriate address details will populate the information in the Address fields.

The address can then be modified to make any changes as required.
The address can also be entered manually (without using the 'Get Address' functionality)

Is the second life's address the same as the first life's

Select Yes if this is the case. The address details fields for the second life will disappear and the Application for the second life will be set up with the same address as the first life.

For Joint Life cases with a Single Owner, only the first life/owner address details are required.


Click on the Back button if you wish to view or amend the Application for this client.


Click on the Save button at anytime to save the data entered on the Application so far. The Application can be retrieved by using the Retrieve Application service.


Click on Next to provide the Investment Details.

The questions in relation to Occupation, Annual Income, Source of Funds and Source of Wealth are required in order for us to meet our Anti-Money Laundering obligations.

Occupation and Annual Income

For each Client, please select the Occupation (by clicking on the down arrow) and enter the Annual Income for each client. . For Joint Life cases with Single Owner, only the first life/owner details are required.

Source of Funds

Click on the down arrow to select where the funds for this investment will come from. If 'Other' is selected, please provide details in the additional box that appears.

Source of Wealth

Click on the down arrow to select how the funds were raised for this investment. If 'Other' is selected, please provide details in the additional box that appears.

Has your client taken any withdrawals from any Prudential Bond or Plan within the last 12 months?

If the answer is 'Yes', then Prudential reserve the right to return the investment to which this application refers, less any withdrawals, where withdrawals have already been taken from any Prudential Bond or Plan. This excludes regular withdrawals of 5% p.a. or less and withdrawals made over 12 months ago.

Total Payment (the amount your client wishes to send us)

Please enter the investment amount within the range indicated - if the intended investment is outside this range please contact your Prudential Representative.

Set-Up Adviser Charge options

Select one of the options from the drop-down list to input the amount of Set-Up Adviser Charge to be applied. This will be deducted from the payment amount before investment.

% of total payment - input the appropriate percentage in the input box. The system will calculate and display the amount for verification purposes.

£ amount - enter the amount as a sterling amount

Nil set-up adviser charge - make this selection if there is no set-up adviser charge applicable to the sale.

The amount of set-up adviser charge will be displayed along with the remaining amount to be invested.


Click on the Back button if you wish to view or amend the Application for this client.


Click on the Save button at anytime to save the data entered on the Application so far. The Application can be retrieved by using the Retrieve Application service.


Click on Next to choose the Fund Details.

PruFund Funds each count as two out of the ten fund choices as we will automatically add the relevant PruFund Holding Account to the funds selected. For more information on the funds that are available look at the Fund Guide in the Pruadviser Literature Library.


Click on the Back button if you wish to view or amend the Application for this client.


Click on the Save button at anytime to save the data entered on the Application so far. The Application can be retrieved by using the Retrieve Application service.


Click on Next to choose the Option Details including details of any withdrawals required.

Return Of Premium Death Benefit

This option guarantees that the minimum amount we'll pay out as life cover is the same as the total amount invested, less any withdrawals.

For joint life cases one of the lives assured must be age 79 or under. There may be a charge for this option. Please refer to the Key Features document for more details.

Withdrawal Details


Select 'Yes' if regular withdrawals are required. Additional questions will then appear to allow the withdrawal details to be entered.
Please choose a withdrawal basis from the list, indicate the amount or a percentage to be deducted per year and the frequency of payments. These details will be required for the calculation and will be displayed on the summary and printed Application.

Payment start date

Please enter a date in the format DD/MM/YYYY. This date needs to be at least one month and three days from today.


Click on the Back button if you wish to view or amend the Application for this client.


Click on the Save button at anytime to save the data entered on the Application so far. The Application can be retrieved by using the Retrieve Application service.


Click Next to continue with the Application process.

Ongoing Adviser Charge Options

Does your client wish to exclude the PruFund Protected Fund investment from ongoing adviser charge deductions? - Ongoing Adviser Charges can apply to all insured funds including PruFund Protected Funds. By choosing to exclude the PruFund Protected Fund/s from the Ongoing Adviser Charge, the charge is then deducted from all funds proportionately excluding the PruFund Protected Fund/s.

One of the options from the drop-down list to input the amount of Ongoing Adviser Charge to be applied.

% of total investment - input the appropriate percentage of the investment amount that will be taken as OAC.

% of total fund - input the appropriate percentage of the investment amount that will be taken as OAC

Fixed Annual Amount - input the sterling amount of annual Ongoing Adviser Charge.

Nil Ongoing Adviser Charge - select this option if you do not wish any Ongoing Adviser Charge

Note that the OAC amount is the Annual amount of charge that will be paid.

Frequency - select the payment frequency of the OAC. The appropriate amount of Annual charge will be paid on this frequency. For example, an annual charge amount of £120 to be paid on a monthly frequency, will mean a monthly payment of £10.

First Payment Date - this is the date when you wish OAC payments to start, and must be at least 30 days after the start on the contract.


Click on Back to review or amend details previously entered on this illustration.


Click on the Save button at anytime to save the data entered on the Application so far. The Application can be retrieved by using the Retrieve Application service.


Click Next to continue with the Application process.

If Withdrawals have been selected for this Application, payments will be made direct to the client's bank or building society. Please ensure that they are able to receive direct credit payments.

Get Address

Full Bank Address details can be automatically populated without the need to manually type these in. Simply type in the 6 numeric Bank Sort Code Number onto the Bank Details page and then click the 'Get Address' button.

The full bank address including postcode will then be displayed.

Alternatively, the bank details can be entered manually.

You will need to manually key in the bank account name and bank account number details, following the auto population to complete successful validation.


Click on the Back button if you wish to view or amend the Application for this client.


Click on the Save button at anytime to save the data entered on the Application so far. The Application can be retrieved by using the Retrieve Application service.


Click Next to continue with the Application process.

Please confirm that the evidence you have gathered in relation to the client(s) meets the standard set out in the guidance for the UK financial sector from the Joint Money Laundering Steering Group and that you have completed any checks on tax residency status applicable to the client(s). If this is a Joint Owner Application, please confirm the above for both applicants.

Application submission by Financial Adviser

If the Application is being submitted online by someone other than the Financial Adviser, please select 'Yes' and then tick the box beside the additional text that appears, to confirm that you are acting on behalf of the Financial Adviser. If you are the Financial Adviser, please select 'No'.

Payment Method

You can pay the premium by the following methods:

Personal Cheque
Bank Transfer

The personal cheque should be made payable to The Prudential Assurance Company Ltd. If the cheque is not drawn on the client's personal account, we may ask the client to provide evidence that the money is theirs.
For bank and building society 'counter' cheques, please make payable to The Prudential Assurance Company Limited and clearly include your name on the payee line.
If you select Bank Transfer, you will be able to print off a form with the details of the Prudential Bank Account into which the fund should be transferred.

Advice Information

"Was Advice Given ?"
Please answer Yes or No. We need to record, for the FSA, whether you gave advice


Click on the Back button if you wish to amend the Application for this client.

View Summary

Click on the View Summary button to see a summary of the information that has been entered.


Click on the Save button at anytime to save the data entered on the Application so far. The Application can be retrieved by using the Retrieve Application service.


Click on Submit to complete the Application process. As an additional check, text will appear at the top of the page asking you to confirm that you wish to proceed with the Application. Select 'Yes' if you wish to proceed, or 'No' if you do not wish to proceed or wish to amend the Application.

The display of this page confirms that we have received your Application successfully.

The Policy Number should be used in any queries made in respect of this Application.

If the Policy Number cannot be generated, the Prudential Case reference number must be used in any queries, until you receive the policy number for this case.

The Declaration Reference Number should be entered on the Online Declaration Form which must be sent to us.

Click on 'View Application' to print or save a pdf version of this Application.

Click on 'View Declaration' to print and save the Online Declaration Form. This form must be completed signed by the clients(s) and sent to us with the cheque (if appropriate).

If Bank Transfer has been selected as Payment Method, click on the 'View Payment' button to obtain the Telegraphic Transfer Form with details of the Prudential Bank Account that the funds should be transferred to.

Tax Residency Self Certification

The Tax Residency Self-Certification Declaration Form (INVF11781) must be completed where the applicants are a) individuals who are tax resident, or complete tax returns, in a country other than the UK or b) entities i.e. companies, organisations or trusts.


Click the Back button to review the data that has been entered. This data can not be amended.

The Application is now complete and you may close your browser.

Please enter data in at least one of the fields so that a Search can be carried out.
It is recommended that you enter a date range to enable a quicker return of information.

Change Adviser

Click this button to change the Agent number used as the basis for the search.


Clicking the Reset button will clear any data entered.


Click Search button to proceed with the search on the data entered.

Click the button in the Select column beside the Application that you wish to retrieve.

Retrieve Application

Click on 'Retrieve Application' to view the data that has been entered online for this Application. If the Application has not yet been submitted to Prudential, then you will be able to amend the Application details as required and continue with the Application process.
If the Application has been submitted to Prudential, you will not be able to amend the Application details.

View Payment

This button is only visible if the Application has already been submitted online and Bank Transfer was chosen as Payment Method
Click on 'View Payment' to obtain the Telegraphic Transfer Form with details of the Prudential Bank Account that the funds should be transferred to.

View Application

This button is only visible if the Application has already been submitted online.
Click on 'View Application' to print or save a pdf version of this Application.