Top-up Application

In order to obtain the current details of the policy you wish to top-up, you will need to enter the seven digit policy number (in the format: NNNNNNA).

If you do not know the policy number, click on 'follow this link' to use the Policy Search Facility. You will need to know the policy owner's Surname, Date of Birth and Post Code to find the correct policy number.

Change Adviser

Clicking Change Adviser will take you back to the Agency Number selection screen, allowing you to input a different agency number for your firm, if required.

Enter the owner Surname, Date of Birth and Postcode for the original policy, then select Search.

Clicking Reset Screen clears the information from the page.

Change Adviser

Clicking Change Adviser will take you back to the Agency Number selection screen, allowing you to input a different agency number for your firm, if required.

The results of the search are shown on this page.

Choose the policy you wish to top-up by clicking the radio button in the Select column beside the appropriate policy number.


Click on Next which takes you to the Top-Up Search Facility, where the policy number will be populated in the appropriate field.

New Search

Click on New Search to return to the Policy Search Facility.

Registered Individual Name

If you are the Registered Individual please enter your details in the First Name(s) and Surname fields. Otherwise, please enter the name of the Registered Individual who has requested the top-up application

Enter your own reference

You can enter any reference you like up to 25 characters long. You do not have to enter a value in this field.

Adviser memorable date

Enter any date you choose in the format DD/MM/YY. This will be combined with the Application Date and Time fields (which are already populated for you) to create the Declaration Reference Number. This number should be entered in the Online Declaration Form which must be sent to Prudential along with the cheque (if appropriate). There will be an opportunity to print this form at the end of the Application process.

Client Details

Displayed here are your client's personal details giving you the opportunity to ensure our records are up to date.


Click on Back to review or amend details previously entered on this application.


Click on Next to proceed with the top-up application.

Policy Details

This shows the various details for the policy as currently held on our records, including withdrawals information and bank details if withdrawals were set-up on the original plan.

Fund Details

This area shows the investment fund(s) currently selected on the original policy, and the percentage allocated to each.

Guaranteed Minimum Death Benefit option

This statement confirms if this option exists on the original policy.

Cash-in Charge option

This statement confirms if the "3 Year" or "5 Year" option exists on the original policy. . For policies which commenced before 25th April 2005, no early cash-in charges will apply to the additional investment.

Automatic Rebalancing option

This statement confirms if this option exists on the original policy.

Do you wish to add/amend your client's bank details?

Click 'Yes' to amend these. If not already present (for withdrawals) then you will not be able to amend the details without adding regular withdrawals to the policy. You will be asked to do this later in the process.

Do you wish to add/amend your client's regular withdrawals details?

Click 'Yes' to add/amend the current withdrawals details on this policy. If there are no current withdrawals you will need to enter the client's bank account details later in the process.

Do you wish to re-direct your client's fund details?

Click 'Yes' to re-direct new investments into different funds or in different proportions to those currently shown. You will be asked to enter the fund details later in the process. This option is not available for Distribution Bonds as you cannot amend fund details.

If Automatic Rebalancing exists on the original policy, you will not be able to select "Yes" to this question. Please contact your Prudential Account Manager if you wish to change your Fund Details.


Click on Back to review or amend details previously entered on this application.


Click on Next to proceed with the top-up application.

The questions in relation to Occupation, Annual Income, Source of Funds and Source of Wealth are required in order for us to meet our Anti-Money Laundering obligations.

Occupation and Annual Income

For each client, please select the Occupation (by clicking on the down arrow) and enter the Annual Income for each client. For Joint Life cases with Single Owner, only the owner details are required.

Source of Funds

Click on the down arrow to select where the funds for this investment will come from. If "Other" is selected, please provide details in the additional box that appears.

Source of Wealth

Click on the down arrow to select how the funds were raised for this investment. If "Other" is selected, please provide details in the additional box that appears.

Has your client taken any withdrawals from any Prudential Bond or Plan within the last 12 months?

If withdrawals have been taken from any Prudential Bond or Plan within the last 12 months (excluding regular withdrawals of 5% p.a. or less), Prudential reserves the right to return the investment to which this application refers.

How much does your client(s) wish to invest?

Please enter the investment amount within the range indicated - if the intended investment is outside this range please contact your Prudential Representative.

Interest Sweep

This option automatically transfers the growth element from the Prudential Cash Fund at the end of each quarter into any of the other Unit-Linked Funds. This option requires a minimum investment of £100,000 into the Prudential Cash Fund.

A maximum of three target funds can be selected for Interest Sweep.

This option can only be chosen for Unit Linked Funds. The following funds cannot receive the Interest Sweep: With-Profits (Optimum Bonus) Fund, With-Profits (Optimum Return) Fund, PruFund Funds and Prudential Distribution Cash Fund.

Interest Sweep option cannot be chosen if Automatic Rebalancing currently applies on the existing investment.

Note: The selection of Interest Sweep is not currently available online. If you would like your top-up application to include Interest Sweep, please send in a paper Additional Investment application form.


Click on Back to review or amend details previously entered on this top-up application.


Click on Next to proceed with the top-up application.

This shows the funds selected for previous investments into the policy. The top-up will be invested in the funds specified. Please ensure that this reflects the desired fund choice before proceeding. The allocation of your client"s previous investments will remain unchanged.

Please note that your client cannot invest in any more than ten funds at any one time (including previous investments). The funds previously invested in can therefore be reduced or set to 0% if required, but cannot be completely de-selected.

Unit Linked Only

You can select from one to ten funds from the lists displayed and you will also need to enter an allocation percentage for each fund chosen. The total percentage must equal 100%. For example, you could choose "Prudential Managed" and "100" or "Prudential Managed", "50" and "Prudential Japanese", "50". Both these selections will show as Unit Linked 100% on the summary page to follow.

Unit Linked and With-Profits combination

You can also select With-Profits and Unit Linked combination, e.g. "Prudential Managed" and "75" and "Prudential Optimum Bonus With-Profits" and "25". This will be displayed as 'With-Profits 25% Unit Linked 75% on the summary page to follow

If one or more of the Distribution Income Funds are chosen, the Distribution Cash Fund will also automatically be added as one of your ten fund choices. Non-protected PruFund Funds each count as two out of the ten fund choices as we will automatically add the relevant PruFund Holding Account to the funds selected.

Protected PruFund Funds are not available for additional investments.

PruFund Funds are only available on policies which started on or after 25 April 2005.

For more information on the funds that are available please refer to the relevant Fund Guide in the Pruadviser Literature Library.


Click on Back to review or amend details previously entered on this top-up application.


Clicking Proceed will update your client"s policy with the fund details selected.
You will need to continue on to the Client Verification page in order to complete the top-up application.

If you have selected to amend the payment and/or withdrawals details you will be asked to confirm this at the end of the top-up application process.

This page contains the Transaction Reference number for amendments made to fund, bank or withdrawals details.


Click on Back to review or amend details previously entered on this top-up application.

Next (following a fund details amend)

Click Next to proceed with the top-up application. If you have selected to amend the Payment and/or withdrawals details you will be asked to confirm this at the end of the top-up process.

Next (following a bank details amend)

Click Next to proceed. If you have selected to amend the withdrawals details you will be asked to confirm this next. Otherwise, you will be presented with the Reference Details which contain all the relevant information for this completed top-up application.

Next (following a withdrawals details amend)

Click Next to proceed to the Reference Details which contain all the relevant information for this completed top-up application.

Please confirm that the evidence you have gathered in relation to the client(s) meets the standard set out in the guidance for the UK financial sector from the Joint Money Laundering Steering Group. If this is a joint owner top-up application, please tick both boxes.

Application submission by Financial Adviser

If the top-up application is being submitted online by someone other than the Financial Adviser, please select "Yes" and then tick the box beside the additional text that appears, to confirm that you are acting on behalf of the Financial Adviser. If you are the Financial Adviser, please select "No".

Payment Method

You can pay the premium by the following methods:

  • Personal Cheque
  • Bank transfer

The personal cheque should be made payable to The Prudential Assurance Company Ltd. If the cheque is not drawn on the client"s personal account, we may ask the client to provide evidence that the money is theirs.

For bank and building society "counter" cheques, please make payable to The Prudential Assurance Company Limited and clearly include your name on the payee line.
If you select Bank Transfer, you will be able to print off a form with the details of the Prudential bank account into which the funds should be transferred.


Click on Back to review or amend details previously entered on this top-up application.


Click on Submit to apply for this top-up investment. As an additional check, text will appear at the top of the page asking you to confirm that you wish to proceed. Select "Yes" if you wish to proceed, or "No" if you do not wish to proceed or wish to amend the top-up application.
If you have selected to amend the bank or withdrawals details, you will be asked to do this after this submission.

If you have requested to change bank details or add withdrawals, you must enter the relevant details here. Payments will be made direct to the client"s bank or building society. Please ensure that they are able to receive direct credit payments.

Get Address

Full bank address details can be automatically populated without the need to manually type these in. Simply type in the 6 numeric Bank Sort Code Number onto the Bank Details page and then click the 'Get Address' button.

The full bank address including postcode will then be displayed.

Alternatively, the bank details can be entered manually.

You will need to manually key in the bank account name and bank account number details, following the auto population to complete successful validation.


Click on Back to review or amend details previously entered on this top-up application.


Clicking Proceed will update your client"s policy with the bank details entered. You cannot amend these details as they have been submitted to your client"s policy.

If you have selected to amend the bank withdrawals details you will be asked to confirm this next.

This page allows you to set up or make changes to your client's regular withdrawals arrangements.

Please use this page to indicate the basis for withdrawals for the whole policy.

The current (if any) basis for withdrawals is shown. Please choose a withdrawals basis from the list, indicate the amount or a percentage to be deducted per year and the frequency of payments.

The minimum payment is £50 (except under the Regular Bonus as Income and Natural Income options).

When withdrawals start or change, the amount requested during any 12 month period cannot exceed the greater of 7.5% of the full value of the plan, or if selected at the start of the plan, 7.5% of the total amount paid in, except where Natural Income on the Distribution Income Funds or Regular Bonus as Income on the With-Profits Funds has been selected.

Regular Bonus as Income Option

This option is only available for investments in the With-Profits Funds. If the investment is in both With-Profits (Optimum Bonus) & With-Profits (Optimum Return) Funds, the Regular Bonus as Income option will be taken from both funds. If you wish to specify which funds the Regular Bonus as Income option is taken from you will need to complete a paper Additional Investment application form.

Natural Income

Natural Income is the distribution paid from Distribution Income Funds based upon the amount of income generated by the underlying assets being held (including dividends from equities, coupon payments from fixed interest holdings and lease payments from properties). As Natural Income payments are made based on a fund"s earnings, this helps to guard the fund"s capital value against erosion from income payments.

5% Cap Option for Natural Income

If Natural Income is selected as the income basis, the income can be capped at 5% of initial investment. If the income exceeds the 5% limit, the additional income will be reinvested into the selected Distribution Income Funds, subject to a minimum of £20. Income amounts below £20 will remain in the Distribution Cash Fund until the next anniversary of the plan.

First Payment Date

Shows the first date withdrawals were paid from this policy. If withdrawals are being set up for the first time on this policy, enter the date the first payment is to be made.

Next Payment Date

Shows the date when the next withdrawal will be paid. If withdrawals are being set up for the first time on this policy, enter the date the first payment is to be made.

Please enter a date in the format DD/MM/YYYY. This date needs to be at least one month and three days from today.
If invested in a Distribution Income Fund, the date must be at least 30 days after the additional investment has been added to the plan and after the next distribution date.


Click on Back to review or details previously entered on this top-up application. You cannot amend these details as they have been submitted your client"s policy.


Clicking Proceed will update your client"s policy with the withdrawals details entered.

The display of this page confirms that we have received your top-up application successfully.

The Policy Number should be used in any queries made in respect of this top-up application.

Alternatively the Prudential Case reference number can also be used in any queries.

The Declaration Reference Number should be entered on the Online Declaration Form which must be sent to us.

Click on "View Application" to print or save a pdf version of this top-up application.

Click on "View Declaration" to print and save the Online Declaration Form. This form must be completed signed by the clients(s) and sent to us with the cheque (if appropriate).

If Bank Transfer has been selected as Payment Method, click on the "View Payment" button to obtain the Telegraphic Transfer Form with details of the Prudential bank account that the funds should be transferred to.


Click the Back button to review the data that has been entered. This data can not be amended.

The top-up application is now complete and you may close your browser.