Underlying fund changes
In the final quarter of 2023, we introduced two new active large cap US Equity managers, MFS and William Blair, to sit alongside our existing exposure to Manulife. Both managers run relatively concentrated, high conviction portfolios with MFS biased to ‘Value’ and William Blair biased to ‘Growth’ in order to provide an overall ‘core’ style balance.
The fund ranges also now invest into the M&G (Lux) Sterling Liquidity Fund for their cash allocations. This is a low volatility Money Market Fund (MMF) with 3 key objectives: capital preservation, same day liquidity and a gross rate of return in line with money market rates. The fund launched in December 2021 and has outperformed its benchmark SONIA (Sterling Overnight Index Average) since inception.
Strategic asset allocation – portfolio changes
The UK, European and US Central Banks raised interest rates throughout the year in a bid to combat inflation, leading to developed market government bond yields reaching levels not seen since 2007.
As a result we reviewed the SAA and made the decision to further increase the allocation to Fixed Income across both ranges. The increases were to US Investment Grade Bonds and UK and US Government Bonds.*
This increase was funded from a reduction in the UK, Europe and Asia Equity allocations.
We have also increased our Infrastructure exposure providing further diversification, real yields and an element of inflation linked returns.
*Risk Managed Active 4 and 5 also had increases to UK Investment Grade bonds.
The below tables show the breakdown of the changes to the SAA benchmarks.