For UK financial advisers only, not approved for use by retail customers. Click here for the customer website.

Agency Registration and Administration

Set up an agency registration to do business with Prudential as an adviser. You can also administer your account.

Adviser firms based in the UK mainland can write business with Prudential by applying for Agency Registration. 

This is a service provided by Origo. Directly authorised intermediary firms, whether they are a sole trader or a large limited liability intermediary firm, can apply for agency registration on the Origo website  with multiple product providers in one online application.

The benefits of registering with Origo

  • Complete one online registration form, which will be validated for errors and can be saved

  • Choose the type of agency structure that suits your business set up

  • Submit one application for a number of participating product providers you wish to set up a trading relationship with

  • Access the Terms of Business of all participating product providers to view them at any time

How to register

  1. Complete the registration form on the Origo website

  2. Once you complete the form, we aim to set up your agency within 10 working days. If we need any further information to process your application we may contact you.

  3. We will send you a confirmation when your registration is complete

Prudential is also part of Origo's Agency Administration service. This is an online service which helps you manage changes to your agency set up. The Agency Administration service provides the quickest and easiest way of submitting changes to multiple product providers in one step. 

Through the service, advisers can submit requests for the following transactions:

  • Change of address

  • Change of bank account

  • Request for additional agencies

  • Request for agency closures

  • Request for Letter of Authority

  • Maintain service provider and panel membership

  • Transfer of Business and Novations

Please note, if you are a member of a service provider or a multi-tie, the service provider addendum also applies.

Contact Origo Helpdesks

If you need help with Agency Registration or Agency Administration, contact Origo: but remember to avoid sending any personal or confidential information. We advocate strong security and privacy principles. 

Contact the PruAdviser Helpdesk

The PruAdviser Helpdesk can help with any other queries relating to accessing and using the PruAdviser website. The helpdesk is available 9am-5pm, Monday-Friday.

If you are a member of a service provider or a multi-tie, the service provider addendum also applies.