New Business Illustration

Registered Individual Name
If you are the Registered Individual please enter your details in the First Name(s) and Surname fields. Otherwise, please enter the name of the Registered Individual who has requested the illustration.

Enter your own reference
You can enter any reference you like up to 25 characters long. The reference will be displayed on the illustration summary page and also on the printed illustration if it is produced. You do not have to enter a value in this field.

Basis for Illustration
Select an option for either a single life or joint life illustration. For joint life illustrations, please indicate whether the death benefit should be paid when the first or second of the two people covered dies.

Single or Joint Ownership
Please select whether the plan is to be single or joint owned. The owner(s) must be aged 18 or over and resident in the UK.

Is owner same as life assured?
Select 'Yes' if the owner is the same as the life assured. If the owner is not the same as the life assured, select 'No' and you will be asked to enter the owner name on the Client Details page. If the illustration is for a trust (other than a Loan Trust), the First Named Trustee should be entered in the owner name section on the Client Details page. If the illustration is for a Loan Trust, please select 'No'.

Is this a Loan Trust Illustration?
If it is, select 'Yes' and you will be asked to enter the total aggregate investment to ensure that the correct allocation rate is applied and that the correct details are displayed on the printed illustration. The trust name will also be required.

Total aggregate Investment
This is required for Loan trust illustration. If the illustration is not for a loan trust, click 'No' to the loan trust question and this box will disappear.

Trust Name
This is required for Loan trust illustration. If the illustration is not for a loan trust, click 'No' to the loan trust question and this box will disappear.

Please note: Trust cases and Life of Another cases cannot be submitted as Applications through this service.

Click on Next to enter the client details. Depending on your answers to the above questions you will be asked to enter one or two sets of details.

This service only allows an illustration for two sets of clients details. If the illustration is for a greater number, as in some trust cases, then please call our Adviser Service Centre. Contact details can be found by viewing the Contact Us page. The number of clients chosen will not affect the calculation results displayed.

Please enter owner name
This is required where the owner is not the same as the life assured. If the illustration is for a trust case, the First Named Trustee can be entered here. If the illustration is for a Loan Trust, then this field will not display.

If one set of clients details is displayed:
If only one set of details is displayed then you will have selected single life, single owner on the previous page. If this is not correct, please click on 'BACK' to change the basis for the illustration.

If two sets of details are displayed:
If two sets of details are displayed then you will have selected joint life, joint owner or joint life, single owner on the previous page. If this is not correct, please click on 'BACK' to change the basis for the illustration.

Please complete the Title, First names, Surname, Date of Birth and Gender details for the client(s) as appropriate.

Click on Back to review or amend details previously entered on this illustration.

Click on Next to choose the Investment Details and type of product required.

Has your client taken any withdrawals from any Prudential Bond or Plan within the last 12 months?
If the answer is 'Yes', then Prudential reserve the right to return the investment to which this application refers, less any withdrawals, where withdrawals have already been taken from any Prudential Bond or Plan. This excludes regular withdrawals of 5% p.a. or less and withdrawals made over 12 months ago.

How much does your client(s) wish to invest?
Please enter the investment amount within the range indicated - if the intended investment is outside this range please contact your Prudential Representative.

Which Cash-In Charge option does your client require?
Please select the appropriate option. If the '3 Year Option' is selected please note that the allocation rate will be reduced by 1%. Please also note that you cannot pick the '3 Year Option' if you wish to invest in the PruFund Protected Funds (which can be selected on a later screen).

Select the product type required
Select either the 'No Initial Charge Option' or the 'Initial Charge Option'. Please refer to the Key Features document for details of these options.

Do you wish to view/amend your commission?
Selecting 'Yes' will display commission options available to you, for this illustration, on a later screen. If you do not select this, it will be assumed that your standard commission rate and deal will apply.

Click on Back to review or amend details previously entered on this illustration

Click on Next to choose the Fund Details.

Unit Linked Only
You can select from one to ten funds from the lists displayed and you will also need to enter an allocation percentage for each fund chosen. The total percentage must equal 100%. For example, you could choose 'Prudential Managed' and '100' or 'Prudential Managed', '50' and 'Prudential Japanese', '50'. Both these selections will show as Unit Linked 100% on the summary page to follow but will display as individual funds and percentages on the printed illustration.

Unit Linked and With Profits combination
You can also select With-Profits and Unit Linked combination, e.g. 'Prudential Managed' and '75' and 'Prudential Optimum Bonus With-Profits' and '25'. This will be displayed as 'With-Profits 25% Unit Linked 75% on the summary page to follow but again the individual funds will be displayed on the printed illustration.

If one or more of the Distribution Income Funds are chosen, the Distribution Cash Fund will also automatically be added as one of your ten fund choices. PruFund Funds each count as two out of the ten fund choices as we will automatically add the relevant PruFund Holding Account to the funds selected.

For more information on the funds that are available look at the Fund Guide in the Pruadviser Literature Library.

Click on Back to review or amend details previously entered on this illustration.

Click on Next to choose the Option Details including details of any withdrawals required.

Automatic Rebalancing
This option will rebalance the investment to the original investment allocations at the end of each plan year. This option cannot be chosen for With-Profits (Optimum Bonus) Fund, With-Profits (Optimum Return) Fund, PruFund Funds and Prudential Distribution Cash Fund.

Interest Sweep
This option automatically transfers the growth element from the Prudential Cash Fund at the end of each quarter into any of the other Unit-Linked Funds. This option requires a minimum investment of £100,000 into the Prudential Cash fund.

On the next screen you will be asked to enter the fund names that should receive the Interest Sweep, and the percentages for each fund. A maximum of three target funds can be selected

This option can only be chosen for Unit Linked funds. The following funds cannot receive the Interest Sweep: With-Profits (Optimum Bonus) Fund, With-Profits (Optimum Return) Fund, PruFund Funds and Prudential Distribution Cash Fund.

Interest Sweep option cannot be chosen if Automatic Rebalancing option has been selected, and vice versa.

Guaranteed Minimum Death Benefit - Return Of Premium
This option guarantees that the minimum amount we'll pay out as life cover is the same as the total amount invested, less any withdrawals. The person or people covered must be aged 74 or less on entry.

For joint life first death cases the age limit will be based on the age of the older life. For joint life last survivor cases the age limit will be based on the age of the younger life. There may be a charge for this option. Please refer to the Key Features document for more details.

Investments in the PruFund Protected Funds
If a PruFund Protected Fund is chosen, you need to select the anniversary on which the minimum fund guarantee is to apply.

Withdrawal Details


Select 'Yes' if regular withdrawals are required. Additional questions will then appear to allow the withdrawal details to be entered.

Please choose a withdrawal basis from the list, indicate the amount or a percentage to be deducted per year and the frequency of payments. These details will be required for the calculation and will be displayed on the summary and printed illustration.

Natural Income
Natural Income is the distribution paid from Distribution Income Funds based upon the amount of income generated by the underlying assets being held (including dividends from equities, coupon payments from fixed interest holdings and lease payments from properties). As Natural Income payments are made based on a fund's earnings, this helps to guard the fund's capital value against erosion from income payments.

5% Cap Option for Natural Income
If Natural Income is selected as the income basis, the income can be capped at 5% of initial investment. If the income exceeds the 5% limit, the additional income will be reinvested into the selected Distribution Income Funds, subject to a minimum of £20. Income amounts below £20 will remain in the Distribution Cash Fund until the next anniversary of the plan.

Payment start date
Please enter a date in the format DD/MM/YYYY. This date needs to be at least one month and three days from today.

If invested in a Distribution Income Fund, the date must be at least 30 days after the start of the plan and after the next distribution date.

If Interest Sweep option has been chosen, or you have earlier selected to view or amend your commission, select Next to move onto the next screen. Otherwise the Calculate button will appear.

Click on this button to calculate the illustration and move to the illustration summary page.

This screen will appear if Interest Sweep option has been selected.

This screen will show the funds that were previously selected on the Fund Details screen for the original investment. Please select funds that should receive the Interest Sweep, click the box beside the selected funds and then % of each fund. A maximum of 3 target funds can be chosen and only Unit Linked funds can be selected. This option cannot be selected for With-Profits (Optimum Bonus) Funds, With-Profits (Optimum Return) Funds, PruFund Funds and Prudential Distribution Cash Fund.

Click on Back to review or amend details previously entered on this illustration.

If you have earlier selected to view or amend your commission, select Next to move onto the Commission Options screen. Otherwise the Calculate button will appear.

Click on this button to calculate the illustration and move to the illustration summary page.

Displayed is a review of the details selected for this illustration together with the projected fund figures at year ten.

If any of the details need to be changed you will need to click 'back', change the details and click 'calculate' again. A unique illustration reference number will be allocated each time 'calculate' is clicked.

Click on Back to review or amend details previously entered on this illustration.


Click on Next to move to the Next Steps screen where you can print the illustration and product literature, as well as Apply online.

View Illustration

Click this link to open up a PDF of the full illustration, which you can print or save.

View Application Form

Click this link to open up a partially completed Application Form. This has been part completed with data you have already entered online as part of your illustration request.


Click this link to access our Literature section where you can print the Key Features and other supporting product literature.

View Declaration

Click this link to open up the Online Declaration form which must be completed for applications submitted online.


To proceed with the Online Application for this session, click on Apply.

Click on Back to review or amend details previously entered on this illustration.

Please enter data in at least one of the fields so that a Search can be carried out.
It is recommended that you enter a date range to enable a quicker return of information.

Change Adviser
Click this button to change the Agent number used as the basis for the search.

Clicking the Reset button will clear any data entered.

Click Search button to proceed with the search on the data entered.

Click the button in the Select column beside the Illustration that you wish to retrieve.

View Illustration
Click on 'View Illustration' to view the Illustration pdf which you can print or save.

View Application

Click 'View Application' to open up a partially completed Application Form. This has been part completed with data you have already entered online as part of your illustration request.

Retrieve Illustration
Click on 'Retrieve Illustration' to view the data that has been entered online for this Illustration. The data can be amended and a new illustration produced.

Submit As Proposal
The 'Submit As Proposal' will be visible if the Illustration has not been used to proceed with an online Application. Click on this to complete the additional Application data and apply online.

New Search
Click on 'New Search' to return to the Search Facility.