Registered Individual Name
If you are the Registered Individual please enter your details in the First Name(s) and Surname fields. Otherwise, please enter the name of the Registered Individual who has requested the illustration.
Enter your own reference
You can enter any reference you like up to 25 characters long. The reference will be displayed on the illustration summary page and also on the printed illustration if it is produced. You do not have to enter a value in this field.
Basis for Illustration
Select an option for either a single life or joint life illustration. For joint life illustrations, please indicate whether the death benefit should be paid when the first or second of the two people covered dies.
Single or Joint Ownership
Please select whether the plan is to be single or joint owned. The owner(s) must be aged 18 or over and resident in the UK.
Is owner same as life assured?
Select 'Yes' if the owner is the same as the life assured. If the owner is not the same as the life assured, select 'No' and you will be asked to enter the owner name on the Client Details page. If the illustration is for a trust (other than a Loan Trust), the First Named Trustee should be entered in the owner name section on the Client Details page. If the illustration is for a Loan Trust, please select 'No'.
Is this a Loan Trust Illustration?
If it is, select 'Yes' and you will be asked to enter the total aggregate investment to ensure that the correct allocation rate is applied and that the correct details are displayed on the printed illustration. The trust name will also be required.
Total aggregate Investment
This is required for Loan trust illustration. If the illustration is not for a loan trust, click 'No' to the loan trust question and this box will disappear.
Trust Name
This is required for Loan trust illustration. If the illustration is not for a loan trust, click 'No' to the loan trust question and this box will disappear.
Please note: Trust cases and Life of Another cases cannot be submitted as Applications through this service.
Click on Next to enter the client details. Depending on your answers to the above questions you will be asked to enter one or two sets of details.