Through our International Prudence Bond (IPB) your clients can choose to invest in the PAC With-Profits Range of Funds, the PruFund Range of Funds or the Risk Managed Active Range.
Access to the Prudential PAC Sterling, PAC Euro and PAC US Dollar With-Profits Funds is no longer available to new customers investing in International Prudence Bond (IPB) post 11/09/2017.
However, if you have an existing customer pre 11/09/2017, they will still be able to top up or switch into the Prudential With-Profits PAC Sterling, PAC Euro and PAC US Dollar Funds.
It is important to note we are not closing the Prudential With-Profits Fund. The underlying fund and ongoing management of the fund will remain the same and access will continue to be available to the With-Profits Fund through the PruFund range of funds.
Reference to With-Profits on this page is only applicable to policyholders pre 11/09/17.