The International Prudence Bond offers access to a wide range of unit-linked investment funds with the aim of increasing the value of the money you invest over the medium to long-term (around five to 10 years).
This product is provided by Prudential International who are based in Dublin so they offer flexibility along with a wide range of investment choice. Investments with Prudential International grow largely free from tax which could result in a potentially higher return than investments in UK-based funds.
Please note that this isn’t guaranteed and there is the potential that you might not get back the amount you put in.
Offshore is a common term that is used to describe a range of locations where companies can offer customers growth on their funds that is largely free from tax. This includes "true offshore" locations such as the Channel Islands and Isle of Man, and other locations such as Dublin - where Prudential International is registered. Tax treatment can vary from one type of investment to another, and from one market and location to another.
Offshore products are perhaps most commonly thought of as offering tax advantages for higher rate tax payers but there are also a number of other aspects that potentially make them attractive for a wide range of customers.
Please note that change in the rates of exchange could also cause the value of your investment, or any income taken, to go down as well as up.
An important point to remember is that the value of your investment can go down as well as up and you may not get back the amount you put in.
The Sustainable Finance Disclosures Regulation (SFDR) is a European Union (EU) regulation designed to help investors by providing more transparency on how financial products, and their underlying investment options can promote environmental and/or social characteristics, or have a sustainable investment objective.
The investments underlying this financial product do not take into account the EU criteria for environmentally sustainable investments.