Brexit Update

2 min read 1 Mar 22

Keeping you up to date on Brexit

What does Brexit mean for your policy?

Prudential International Assurance Plc (PIA) has plans in place to ensure the ongoing servicing of your policy, regardless of the outcome of the negotiations on a future EU-UK trade agreement.

What are PIA’s Brexit plans?

On Friday 31 January the UK officially left the EU and entered what is known as the transition period. During the transition period the UK continues to be bound by EU rules, and in practice little changes for companies and their customers. This phase is to allow time for UK-EU negotiations on a future trade agreement, and is currently scheduled to end on 31 December 2020.

As a life assurance company based in Ireland, PIA currently accesses the UK and Gibraltar markets via what is known as the passporting regime. At the end of the Brexit transition period the passporting regime will fall way and companies must access these markets in a different manner.

While the outcome of the EU-UK negotiations is not yet clear, PIA has a range of plans in place to ensure continued access to both the UK and Gibraltar markets and to ensure the ongoing servicing of your policy. Our customers are at the very heart of our thinking and our priority is to minimise disruption to your policy.

Where can you get more information?

Our most up to date information will be available on Customer Brexit update