PruFund Range of Funds

There are 2 options in this range; PruFund Cautious and PruFund Growth. Both are invested in M&G plc's With-Profits Fund. Like our With-Profits fund, they aim to smooth the peaks and troughs of investment markets by using an established smoothing process:

  • By spreading your investment across many different areas such as, UK equities, property, fixed interest, international equities and cash.

    This aims to reduce the risk of the investment experiencing the extreme ups and downs associated with any single investment type. Our investment specialists will look for the best opportunities for growth within each investment area.

  • By applying a unique smoothing formula. A proportion of the money gained during good performance is held back to ensure a reasonable return during poorer performance.

    The formula has two elements:

    1. Expected Growth Rates which apply on a day to day basis; and

    2. Unit price adjustments, which will be applied when the formula requires us to do so.

Both fund ranges also benefit from the following:

  • You can buy funds in euro, sterling or US dollars

  • There's a minimum allocation rate of 100%, so all of your money goes directly into your investment. In addition, if you invest more than £75,000 we'll add 0.5% of the bond value and if you invest over £150,000, we'll give you 1.5% of the bond value.
  • You can start your investment with £20,000, €25,000 or $35,000 and can top up from £15,000, €20,000 or $25,000
  • An Annual Growth Reward - which enhances the growth potential of your investment by adding an extra 0.1% of the bond value from the end of year one, where no regular or partial withdrawals are made
  • You can access your investment when you need to, potentially subject to charges
  • You can make 20 free switches in any 12-month rolling period

The value of your investment can go down as well as up so you might not get back the amount you put in.

Further information

For more information on the PruFund Range of Funds, please see the following documents or speak to your financial adviser.