Retirement contributions calculator

The calculator below shows you how much your monthly pension contributions could add up to in retirement. The figures in 'Your summary' are only a guide based on the details you enter. You should read your current Key Features and Fund Guide which have important information about the charges, costs, risks and benefits of the product and the funds to help you make a decision. You'll find these online or contact your employer/scheme administrator.

Are you making or will you make contributions through salary sacrifice?

If you’re unsure, please speak to your employer.

Contributions through salary sacrifice Not making contributions through salary sacrifice

Your details

1yr 25yrs 50yrs

Please note you can contribute up to your 75th birthday.

Your details

Your salary is and you're a You have a pension pot of and will contribute for

Current contributions

0% 25% 50%
0% 25% 50%

Current contributions

You contribute which costs you monthly Your employer contributes monthly

Would you like to see the difference increasing your contributions could make to your pension pot?

Yes,No, I don't want to see the difference increasing my contributions could make to my pension pot

Your summary

  Based on current contributions Based on new contributions
Total actual cost to you ? Total cost to you ? £0 £0
Total salary sacrificed ? Total contributions including tax relief ? £0 £0
Total tax savings ? Total tax relief ? £0 £0
Total employer contributions ? £0 £0
Total potential growth ? ? £0 £0
Total estimated pension pot value ? ? £0 £0

For more information about your pension contributions, please visit your workplace pension website below.