App Generation Tool

Make it easier to apply for the Prudential International Investment Bond. The tool generates a tailored application form, a handy checklist, an anti-money laundering guide and any other documents you need.

  • For the Prudential International Investment Bond only
  • Tailored form for your client’s needs
  • Guidance to help you to do what’s required

Key features of the App Generation Tool

For the Prudential International Investment Bond only

You can only use this tool to generate a form and supporting guidance for the Prudential International Investment Bond.

Tailor the application to your client’s needs

The app allows you to create a form which matches your client’s needs, so you don’t have to fill in more than you need to, saving you time.

Get helpful supporting documents

The tool provides you with more than just a tailored application form. It also generates a tailored checklist, a guide to anti money laundering requirements for the application type you’ve chosen and any additional documents that may be required.

Answer correctly to avoid delays

If you answer any of the questions in the tool incorrectly, it may result in you receiving an application form which will not capture all of the information needed which could cause a delay in processing the application.

If you’re unsure of any question, get in touch with your account manager using your usual number or view our contact details.

Download the full form

You can download the full Prudential International Investment Bond application form (PDF), instead of using the tool-generated application form.