Highly flexible portfolios from expert multi asset investors

M&G Multi Asset offers a suite of strategies that harness strategic and tactical asset allocation decisions to drive investment returns, backed by a long-standing team of multi asset investment professionals.



Our dynamic approach

We aim to help clients achieve optimal asset allocation throughout the market cycle using a dynamic approach that leverages our broad in-house investment research capabilities and deep macroeconomic expertise.

By applying behavioural finance theory to respond to market ‘episodes’ – periods when asset prices are overly influenced by investors’ emotional behaviour rather than long-term fundamental drivers of returns – means we can deliver a variety of solutions centred on diversified growth, income, capital preservation and sustainability.


Multi Asset investment professionals


Global presence across 26 markets

$ 15 bn

Assets under management (AUM)

Source: M&G, 31 December 2023. Investment professionals includes investment teams, fund managers’ assistants, investment specialists and a director of investment strategy.

Our multi asset solutions

Highly flexible and tactical asset allocation strategies for capital growth

Growing income and capital over market cycles using a flexible and diversified approach

Highly flexible strategies designed to protect capital in changing market environments

Flexible and sustainability-focused portfolios accessing a diversified range of global assets

The value of the fund's assets will go down as well as up. This will cause the value of your investment to fall as well as rise and you may get back less than you originally invested. This is a marketing communication. Please refer to the prospectus and to the Key information document (KID) before making any final investment decisions.

Quarterly Equities and
Multi Asset Outlook

Read the Q3 report