Complaints dealing process

M&G Investments developed a Complaints Handling Policy to ensure that any complaint our customers may have in relation to our products or our services are treated fairly, without undue delays and in line with applicable regulatory requirements.

How to file a complaint with us

All complaints must clearly indicate the customer's contact details and include a description of the reason for the complaint. The complaints can be transmitted by email to your regular contact at M&G Luxembourg S.A. or:

  • Via email to 
  • Via registered mail. The letter should be sent for the attention of Complaints Handling of M&G Luxembourg S.A. at:

M&G Luxembourg S.A.
16 boulevard Royal,
L-2449, Luxembourg,
Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg

Complaints handling Process:

  • Complaints will be handled in a careful and prompt manner. M&G Luxembourg S.A. will strive to acknowledge receipt of the complaint in writing, within 5 business days of receipt.

  • M&G Luxembourg S.A. will provide you with the contact details of the person in charge of handling your complaint.

  • M&G Luxembourg S.A. will endeavour to resolve all the complaint as fairly as possible and at the earliest convenience.

  • Within one month of receipt of the complaint, M&G Luxembourg S.A. will inform you in writing of the results of our investigation and will propose you a solution.

  • In case of complex complaints, it may take longer to investigate or to find a solution. In this instance we will reach out to you and will inform you when you can expect to receive an answer.

  • You have the possibility to escalate your complaint further to the management of M&G Luxembourg S.A.

  • M&G Luxembourg S.A. will provide you with the contact details of the person responsible for the complaint handling at management level, in this case your complaint should be addressed to the Compliance Conducting Officer who is registered to the CSSF as the Complaints (Senior) manager to:

    Attention of Compliance Conducting Officer
    M&G Luxembourg S.A.
    16 boulevard Royal,
    L-2449, Luxembourg,
    Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg

  • You have a right for further escalation to a Luxembourg Financial Regulator, ‘Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier’. Information about out-of-counter complaints resolution in Luxembourg can be found on the CSSF’s web-site: Customer complaints - CSSF 

  • Should you be a resident of another Member State of the European Union, you also have the opportunity of taking legal or out-of-court resolution at any time. The European Online Dispute Resolution platform allows you to fill in a complaint form and informs you, depending on your jurisdiction, of your means of redress

If your complaint was not resolved to your full satisfaction by the management of M&G Luxembourg S.A., you have a possibility to file a request for an out-of-court complaint resolution with the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (CSSF).

The CSSF is competent to receive complaints from customers of the professionals subject to its supervision and to act as an intermediary in order to seek an amicable settlement of these complaints (in accordance with the provisions of the CSSF Regulation N° 16-07 relating to out-of-court complaint resolution).

Furthermore, the CSSF acts in its capacity as alternative dispute resolution (“ADR”) entity, notably pursuant to the European legislation relating to the out-of-court resolution of consumer disputes that was transposed into Luxembourg  law and introduced into the Consumer Code in 2016. The CSSF is registered on the list of ADR entities within the meaning of Article L. 431-1 of the Consumer Code and on the list of ADR entities established and published by the European Commission.

The request must be filed with the CSSF in writing, by post, by fax or by email, or online on the CSSF website.

Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier
Legal Department
283, route d’Arlon
L-2991 Luxembourg

Fax: (+352) 26 25 1 – 2601


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