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PruFund Range of Funds

When your client invests in these funds their investment is reinsured into the Long-Term Fund of the Prudential Assurance Company Ltd (PAC). PAC is rated A+ (as at December 2022) by Standard & Poor's. Your client therefore has the reassurance of knowing that the full strength and resource of PAC is behind their investment.

Like the With-Profits fund, these funds aim to smooth the peaks and troughs of investment markets by using an established smoothing process: 

  • By spreading your client's investment across many different areas such as UK equities, Property, Fixed Interest, International equities and cash.

This aims to reduce the risk of the investment experiencing the extreme ups and downs associated with any single investment type. Our investment specialists will look for the best opportunities for growth within each investment area.

  • By applying a unique smoothing formula. A proportion of the money gained during good performance is held back to ensure a reasonable return during poorer performance.

             The formula has two elements:

            1. Expected Growth Rates which apply on a day to day basis; and

            2. Unit price adjustments, which will be applied when the formula requires us to do so.

The fund aims to produce growth over the medium to long-term (5 to 10 years or more) while smoothing some of the ups and downs of short-term investment performance.  The fund spreads investment risk by investing in a range of different asset types, which currently includes UK and international equities, property, fixed interest securities, index-linked securities and other specialist investments.

The fund aims to produce growth over the medium to long-term (5 to 10 years or more) while smoothing some of the ups and downs of short-term investment performance.  The fund spreads investment risk by investing in a range of different asset types, which currently includes European and international equities, property, fixed interest securities, index-linked securities and other specialist investments.

The fund aims to maximise growth over the medium to long term (5 to 10 years or more) while helping to smooth the peaks and troughs of investment performance. The fund currently invests in US and international equities, property, fixed interest securities, index-linked securities and other specialist investments.

The fund aims to produce growth over the medium to long term (5 to 10 years or more) using a cautious approach to investing while smoothing some of the ups and downs of short-term investment performance. The fund spreads investment risk by investing in a range of different asset types, which currently includes UK and international equities, property, fixed interest securities, index-linked securities, cash and other specialist investments. The cautious approach to investment means the fund aims to invest 50-75% in fixed interest securities, index-linked securities and cash, although we may occasionally move outside this range to meet the fund objectives.

The fund aims to produce growth over the medium to long term (5 to 10 years or more) using a cautious approach to investing while smoothing some of the ups and downs of short-term investment performance. The fund spreads investment risk by investing in a range of different asset types, which currently includes European and international equities, property, fixed interest securities, index-linked securities, cash and other specialist investments. The cautious approach to investment means the fund aims to invest 50-75% in fixed interest securities, index-linked securities and cash, although we may occasionally move outside this range to meet the fund objectives.

The fund aims for steady and consistent growth over the medium to long term (5 to 10 years or more) through a cautious approach to investing. The fund invests in UK and international equities, property, fixed interest securities, index-linked securities, cash and other specialist investments. The fund will aim to invest 50-75% in fixed interest securities, index-linked securities and cash, although we may occasionally move outside this range to meet the fund objectives.

The fund aims to produce growth over the medium to long-term (5 to 10 years or more) while smoothing some of the ups and downs of short-term investment performance.  The fund spreads investment risk by investing in a range of different asset types, which currently includes UK and international equities, property, fixed interest securities, index-linked securities and other specialist investments.

The fund aims to produce growth over the medium to long-term (5 to 10 years or more) while smoothing some of the ups and downs of short-term investment performance.  The fund spreads investment risk by investing in a range of different asset types, which currently includes European and international equities, property, fixed interest securities, index-linked securities and other specialist investments.

The fund aims to produce growth over the medium to long-term (5 to 10 years or more) while smoothing some of the ups and downs of short-term investment performance.  The fund spreads investment risk by investing in a range of different asset types, which currently includes US and international equities, property, fixed interest securities, index-linked securities and other specialist investments.

The fund aims to produce growth over the medium to long term (5 to 10 years or more) using a cautious approach to investing while smoothing some of the ups and downs of short-term investment performance. The fund spreads investment risk by investing in a range of different asset types, which currently includes UK and international equities, property, fixed interest securities, index-linked securities, cash and other specialist investments. The cautious approach to investment means the fund aims to invest 50-75% in fixed interest securities, index-linked securities and cash, although we may occasionally move outside this range to meet the fund objectives.

The fund aims to produce growth over the medium to long term (5 to 10 years or more) using a cautious approach to investing while smoothing some of the ups and downs of short-term investment performance. The fund spreads investment risk by investing in a range of different asset types, which currently includes European and international equities, property, fixed interest securities, index-linked securities, cash and other specialist investments. The cautious approach to investment means the fund aims to invest 50-75% in fixed interest securities, index-linked securities and cash, although we may occasionally move outside this range to meet the fund objectives.

The fund aims to produce growth over the medium to long term (5 to 10 years or more) using a cautious approach to investing while smoothing some of the ups and downs of short-term investment performance. The fund spreads investment risk by investing in a range of different asset types, which currently includes US and international equities, property, fixed interest securities, index-linked securities, cash and other specialist investments. The cautious approach to investment means the fund aims to invest 50-75% in fixed interest securities, index-linked securities and cash, although we may occasionally move outside this range to meet the fund objectives.

Further information

For more information on these funds, please see the following documents or get in touch with your Account Manager.