Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation

The Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR) is a European Union (EU) regulation designed to help investors by providing more transparency on how financial products, and their underlying investment options can promote environmental and/or social characteristics, or have a sustainable investment objective.

The products listed below promote environmental or social (E/S) characteristics. This means that they have one or more funds that promote these characteristics, or one or more funds that may have a sustainable investment objective.

The following products are still open to new business. Please refer to your relevant product webpage for more sustainability-related information and documentation.

The following products are now closed to new business. For sustainability-related information please refer to the documents listed below.

Please note, within each document there are third party links to sustainability information at fund level. If you have difficulty opening these links, or finding information on the fund you are looking for, then please email us at

If you are a retail customer (that is, an individual or retail corporate policyholder, or trustee), and your financial product is not listed above, the investments underlying the financial product does not take into account the EU criteria for environmentally sustainable investments.

You can get more information on how Prudential International Assurance considers principal adverse impacts of its investment decisions below: