Simple pricing structure

We know how complicated prices and charges can be, so for us it’s really important we keep things as simple as possible. Our truly transparent 'all-in' pricing structure is designed to make it easier for you to understand the total cost of using our platform without having to worry about additional costs racking up over time.

We don't charge anything else for:

  • Dealing
  • Transfers in or out
  • Using our products - like the Investment account, ISA, Junior ISA or SIPP

 So you and your adviser don't need to worry about incurring any extra charges

The simple pricing structure

You will pay a single charge on the value of your investments and cash in your portfolio:

Your portfolio value
The value of your cash and investments held on the platform
Your all-in charge
Up to £1m 0.30%
£1m-£3m 0.10%
£3m-£5m 0.06%
£5m and above Ask your adviser to contact us to discuss
Minimum charge £15 per month


All charges are inclusive of any taxes that might apply.
Charges are calculated and deducted monthly, in arrears.

Family linking

You can further reduce this pricing if you and your family all hold your investments with us. We'll add all your investments, assets and cash together so that you can take advantage of the lower platform charge for large portfolios. And we'll work out the right share of the charges to apply to each member so you only pay your proportion. 

Reflecting the shape and dynamic of modern families, our family groups can include spouses, civil partners, cohabitees, parents, children, grandparents, grandchildren and step relations may benefit from a discount on our platform charge.

Interest paid on your cash

We pay you interest earned on any cash held in your account. The average interest rate changes and so is calculated daily and paid into your account monthly.

Average annualised interest received - June 2024  4.3748%

With M&G Wealth you can be sure client money is deposited safely and effectively.

Financial Service Compensation Scheme (FSCS)

Any client money (cash in your account) we hold is protected under the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS) up to the maximum FSCS limit for each client and bank with whom client money is held. Please see the FSCS website to find out the current maximum amount. FSCS can't compensate you for more than the maximum FSCS limit, in total, per firm - even if your money is split between your personal and IFDL client account deposits. In some circumstances the FSCS also offers additional protections for temporary high balances -  find out more here or visit the FSCS website

Other charges that I need to be aware of:

Fund managers, discretionary fund managers or third party product providers might charge you separately to use their funds, services or product.
Please speak to your financial adviser to find out more about these charges.

Still got questions?

If you’re still unsure about our pricing, speak to your Financial Adviser and they’ll be happy to help.

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