We know everybody can face challenging times at different points in their lives. Whether it’s a change in your health, circumstances, or a life event such as a bereavement that’s affecting you, please let us know.
Our dedicated customer support team are trained to identify your needs and address them in the most appropriate way. This could be sensitivity when discussing certain topics, stopping communications to a sick or deceased loved one or knowing to explain things slowly and clearly.
All our communications are available in large print, braille and spoken word. Key Investor Information Documents and Fund fact sheets are also available in alternative formats on request.
Please let us, or your financial adviser know if you think you could benefit from any additional support.
We recommend you always let your adviser know of any changes to your circumstances or support needs.
If you don’t have a financial adviser we strongly recommend you appoint one. There are a number of ways in which you can find a new financial adviser. You could use www.unbiased.co.uk to find one in your area; other websites offer a similar service.
The M&G Wealth Platform is designed for customers with a financial adviser. We cannot give you any financial advice, only a registered adviser has the knowledge and expertise to help you meet your financial goals and make sure your investment choices are right for you. Without an adviser there will be restrictions on how you can use our service.
If you need any additional support about account(s) you, or a member of your family hold with us, please get in touch to let us know.
You can call us on 0345 076 6140. Our lines are open 8:30am to 5:30pm Monday to Friday.
Some of the situations you, or a family member, might want to tell us about are listed below. Please note that this is not a complete list. If you're struggling with something not mentioned below let us know, we may still be able to provide additional support.
While we will do what we can to support you when you're speaking with us about your investments we understand you may also need support beyond what we can provide. We've produced a list of external resources that may be helpful to you depending on your situation.