If you're experiencing any difficulties logging in to the site, please call us on 0345 601 0150. For general product information, please choose the appropriate contact details.
Product | Address | Telephone |
Group Personal Pension Plan | GPP Customer Service Centre Prudential Lancing BN15 8GB |
0345 075 2244 |
Stakeholder Pension Plan | SHP Customer Service Centre Prudential Lancing BN15 8GB |
0345 070 3333 |
Money Purchase Pension Plan | MPP Customer Service Centre Prudential Lancing BN15 8GB |
0345 300 2634 |
Additional Voluntary Contribution | AVC Service Centre Prudential Lancing BN15 8GB |
0345 600 0343 |
Prudential Staff Pension Scheme | Prudential Staff Pension Scheme Prudential Lancing BN15 8GB |
0345 300 2637 |
We hope that you will never need to, but should you have a complaint about Prudential’s service, please contact our Customer Relations Unit. If your complaint is advice related, please contact your Financial Adviser.
BN15 8GB