
Costs and charges

Following the regulations set in April 2018 by the Department for Work and Pensions, trustees are required to make all costs and charges information publicly available. This is to allow scheme members to see if they are getting value for money and to help drive better outcomes for them.

The costs and charges to pension scheme members are for administration and transactions, for example:

  • Annual Management charges
  • Switching fees
  • Set up and policy fees
  • Exit and deferred member charges
  • Transaction costs will also occur if investments within funds are bought and sold, such as broker fees and taxes.

Helping to support you

To support Trustees and members of relevant pension schemes, we have made costs and charges information available online - please click on the link below to find out more.

Getting ready to connect your AVCs to the Pensions Dashboard

Government-initiated pensions dashboards will enable individuals to access their pensions information online, securely and all in one place. Dashboards will provide clear and simple information about their multiple pension savings, including their State Pension.

As a pension trustee or scheme manager, you will need to connect with and supply pensions information to savers through dashboards. This is your duty required by the Pensions Dashboards Regulations 2022.

The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) has set out a staged timetable for schemes to connect to the dashboard digital architecture. Schemes are asked to connect over time according to their size and type. All schemes in scope must be connected by 31 October 2026 at the latest.

Understanding what you need to do

Annual review questionnaires

We send out these questionnaires annually to help us ensure our records are complete and accurate. 

As part of that process we ask that Trustees or scheme administrators let us know as soon as they can if there is a change in the information previously provided to us about employers and Trustees.

To help with that, additional copies of the questionnaires can be downloaded using the links below. Search for the product type then use the Scheme or Plan number to select the right one. Typically, each product type will offer two versions of its questionnaire:

  • Active & paid-up is for use where both the Scheme or Plan and the Policy(ies) within that are administered by us. Use this form regardless of whether contributions are still being made or not
  • Investment only is for use where we only administer the Policy(ies) under a Scheme or Plan rather than the Scheme or Plan itself.

However, there can be exceptions. The tables below direct you to the appropriate questionnaires for each product type

Scheme number is a 4 or 5 digit number, or starts with an A followed by 3 digits
Product Name Where scheme based Description of questionnaire Download
AVC UK Active GENF511015
AVC UK Paid-up GENF511016


Scheme numbers starting with three digits then two letters
Product Name Where scheme based Description of questionnaire Download
AVC UK Investment only GENF510705

Product Name Where scheme based Description of questionnaire Download
DB All locations For use with all Defined Benefit arrangements, including where we administer the Policy(ies) under the Scheme rather than the Scheme itself. GENF528506

Scheme numbers will have 5 digits in the range 20000 - 51000
Product Name Where scheme based Description of questionnaire Download
EPP1 UK Active & paid-up GENF501101
EPP1 UK Investment only GENF508207
EPP1 CI and IoM Active & paid-up GENF501003
EPP1 CI and IoM Investment only GENF508306


Scheme numbers starting with an M and then 6 digits, which do not end in a letter
Product Name Where scheme based Description of questionnaire Download
EPP2-4 UK Active & paid-up GENF1135004
EPP2-4 UK Investment only GENF508208


Scheme numbers starting with three digits then two letters
Product Name Where scheme based Description of questionnaire Download
EPP UK Active & paid-up GENF510607
EPP UK Investment only GENF510608

Scheme numbers range from MPP2001 to MPP2026
Product Name Where scheme based Description of questionnaire Download
MPP UK Investment only PRUANQ02


Scheme number with 5 digits starting with 54, or starting with either an M,
W or P followed by 3 digits, or starting with TTP followed by 4 digits
Product Name Where scheme based Description of questionnaire Download
MPP UK Active & paid-up GENF511012
MPP UK Investment only GENF511013


Scheme numbers starting with three digits then two letters
Product Name Where scheme based Description of questionnaire Download
MPP UK Active & paid-up GENF510704

Plan numbers starting with 3 digits followed by 2 letters, or a 10 digit number starting with a 9, or starting with a letter (B, C, M or G) followed by 3 digits
Product Name Where scheme based Description of questionnaire Download
TIP UK Investment only GENF510609

Helpful information

DWP charges and costs FAQs

These focus on the disclosure and publication of the charges and transaction costs by Occupational Pension Schemes Trustees and managers to their members.


Our funds section has a library of funds for you to search through as well as other useful information.


Get information about your existing plan, manage your plan online or find out more about workplace pensions.


Take a look at what your responsibilities are as an employer when it comes to automatic enrolment.

Frequently asked questions

Costs and charges are the cost to you of investing in one of Prudential's investment options. You'll find more information on what costs and charges may apply to your investments by searching for your scheme.

Charges mean all administration charges except: court orders, charges for earmarking or pension sharing, winding up costs and payment of death benefits.   

Examples of administration charges are annual management charges, switching fees, allocation rates, premium related fees, set up fees, policy fees, exit charges and deferred member charges (Paid Up Pension charges). Charges for advice are not considered to be administration charges.

The primary responsibility lies with trustees and managers to be compliant with the legislation. As a scheme provider, Prudential has a key role to play in supporting trustees to be able to fulfil their obligations.

Where available, all information on charges is online for relevant schemes.

Transaction costs are costs incurred by funds when the investments they hold are bought or sold. Examples of these include bid-offer spreads, taxes and broker commissions. 

Sometimes there may be delays in getting all transaction cost information. Where data is available, we've published this for relevant schemes, and we'll continue to update our transaction cost information as we receive it.

The Prudential With-Profits Fund is only available through Prudential. It is not available to investors outside of Prudential so it doesn't need an ISIN. Information on the With-Profits Fund is available in the Fund Guide and/or Fund Fact Sheet.

The Prudential Deposit Fund is part of the Prudential With-Profits Fund. Its assets are invested in the Prudential With-Profits Fund and provides a declared rate of interest (based on the Bank of England base interest rate) and makes no charges on the money invested. The rate of return applies irrespective of the nature of, or investment return on, the underlying investments in the Prudential With-Profits Fund.  Information on the interest applied to the Deposit Fund is available in the Fund Fact Sheet.

If your scheme isn't included and you believe that it should be, please contact us.

You'll find the costs and charges information you need for your Chair Statement for relevant schemes on 'Search for your pension scheme'.

To help Trustees of relevant schemes, Prudential have:

  • made the relevant cost and charge information available on our website for Trustees and others to access directly, and
  • made illustrative examples available on our website showing the effect of costs and charges 
  • signposted pension scheme members to the relevant section of our website in the Annual Benefit Statement
  • signposted scheme members in the Annual Benefit Statement to where they can find fund information

If the information needed isn't on our website, please contact us.

Prudential can provide you with one year and five year net investment return information which can be included in your annual Chair’s Statement and used to complete the Value for Members’ assessment. If you believe you are required to provide this, and don't receive an Investment Returns Summary (IRS) at the end of your scheme year, please contact us to request one. 

Yes, for relevant schemes example illustrations are available online.

We've updated the basis of our illustrations to make them specific to your scheme. If you've viewed or downloaded any 2021 illustration(s) before 14/02/2022, these have now been replaced and are no longer available. Note: your new 2021 illustrations can't be directly compared with your original 2021 illustrations.

Contact us

Have a question? Visit our contact us page to find the option that applies to you and get a list of your contact information.

Contact us

Where can you find more information?

Find out more information on the Department for Work and Pensions requirements for Trustees.

Guidance and resources to help you in your role as a Trustee.

Find out more information on tax rules and legislation which may apply to you.

Please note we can't control what's shown on any other websites.