Explore our useful links to other fraud prevention and online security websites providing comprehensive guidance and advice.
Note that by clicking on any of the links you will be leaving the M&G website. We can’t take any responsibility for the information found on these websites:
Created as part of a joint initiative by HM Government, the Serious Organised Crime Agency (SOCA) and leading businesses, this site provides advice on online safety.
The UK banking industry's initiative to help online banking customers stay safe online, including advice on protecting your PC from the latest threats. This site is run by the UK Payments Council on behalf of its member banks.
Financial Conduct Authority (FCA)
The website of the UK’s financial services industry regulator. The site offers consumer advice on fraud and investment scams such as Share fraud and boiler room scams. Plus you can access the FCA’s register of authorised financial service firms and individuals and reporting facilities for victims of boiler room and other investment scams.
The UK’s Fraud Prevention Service with 260 members spread across banking, credit cards, asset finance, retail credit, mail order, insurance, savings and investments, telecommunications, factoring, and share dealing industries. It also offers protective registration for victims of identity theft.
This is the site for the financial services industry’s coordinated fraud prevention activity. It offers detailed advice to consumers, retailers and the police on fraud protection.
A government established service offering clear advice on money matters, including how to keep your money and information safe.
An independent membership organisation and charity aimed at raising awareness of fraud and of prevention strategies.
Government-run website providing information on crime and policing in England and Wales, plus the contact details for local police forces across the UK.
The UK’s national fraud and internet crime reporting centre, offering information, advice and support to the public.
The UK’s lead police force on tackling fraud and economic crime.
The UK law enforcement agency tackling large scale organised crime.
Credit reports
For access to your credit record contact one of the three main agencies:
The registrar of limited companies in the UK. The site includes public access to the details of all UK registered companies.
For all Royal Mail services including its mail redirect facility.