M&G’s three specialist funds (‘Charity Funds’) are available exclusively to UK charities and are administered on a separate account register to ensure these assets are ‘ring fenced’ from other M&G products in order to comply with HMRC requirements.
Other funds are available for charities to consider (via M&G Private Investor website), and those featured on the charities site (‘Funds’) should not be taken as a recommendation, advice or forecast. For objective financial advice on all of our products and services, we recommend that you speak to a financial adviser. It is important to note that these funds operate on a different account register and there are specific access restrictions that apply relating to minimum investment amounts, fees, and whether your charity is a corporate entity or unincorporated. To find out more please contact Richard Macey (Director of Charities) directly on 020 8162 3623, or email charities@mandg.co.uk.
The value of the fund's assets will go down as well as up. This will cause the value of your investment to fall as well as rise and you may get back less than you originally invested.
There are no entry charges or exit charges on Sterling share classes in any M&G funds.