Our cashflow solutions offer pension scheme clients a pathway to matching liabilities through a wide range of physical assets that generate reliable cashflows. We utilise a broad mix of fixed income securities and assets towards ensuring pensioners’ payrolls are met, sponsors are protected, and a scheme is de-risked over time.
We offer solutions that evolve through the life of a scheme to efficiently match changing cashflow requirements. This allows us to put a scheme’s specific needs at the heart of the process, blending private, very secure assets that have the potential to offer high-quality cashflows with more liquid public debt.
We have a long heritage of cashflow investing, having run a combined £21bn of group annuity funds since 1999. This annuity investing approach, alongside our extensive experience of running outcome-orientated portfolios across both public and private assets, allows us to provide bespoke cashflow solutions.
For schemes who are unable or unwilling to approach the insurance market, we have developed a solution that utilises our expertise across both asset management and insurance to deliver schemes an investment-grade, cashflow-matched portfolio, which may come with a partial guarantee and share of upside. Essentially providing interest rate hedging and the offer of a guaranteed return but without any longevity hedging, whilst also being able to provide access to our depth of in-house credit expertise.
Contact us to find out more.