With a long tradition of active equity investing our Equities professionals seek to generate alpha for investors by identifying stockmarket opportunities globally. Find out more about how M&G aims to deliver attractive returns for its clients in this video with Fabiana Fedeli - CIO Equities, Multi Asset and Sustainability.
Source: M&G Investments, 30 June 2024. Investment professionals include investment teams, central equity analysts, fund managers' assistants and investment specialists.
Equity strategies that seek to deliver returns investing in the Asia-Pacific
Equity strategies that seek to deliver returns investing globally
Equity strategies designed to deliver measurable positive impact alongside long-term financial returns
Our range of sustainability equity strategies, that do not have a specific sustainability goal, but which embed sustainability characteristics in their investment processes.
Equity strategies that seek to deliver returns from investing in the UK
Equity strategies that seek to deliver returns investing in the US
The value of the fund's assets will go down as well as up. This will cause the value of your investment to fall as well as rise and you may get back less than you originally invested. This is a marketing communication. Please refer to the prospectus and to the Key information document (KID) before making any final investment decisions.
Source: M&G Investments. AUM as at 30 June 2024. Total strategy level assets – AUM invested in equity funds and segregated mandates, managed by M&G Investments’ active equity teams. Unaudited data.