AVCs – Your choice. Your future.

Using the Online Service

There are other ways to get information about your policy. For most of our products, you can manage your policy online by logging in or registering for the Online Service. Registration is easy and only takes five minutes - all you need is your policy number. There are a small number of policies not currently available online, and these are listed on the registration page.

It’s never too soon or too late to think about the difference you could make to your lifestyle later in life.

In addition to your main scheme pension, Additional Voluntary Contributions (AVCs) could be just the thing to help your retirement pot go further.

Find out how AVCs could help you. We cover the basics, and all the important details too. AVCs are investment based, so the value can go down as well as up and you may get back less than you put in.

What's an AVC?

An introduction to AVCs and how they work.

AVCs and tax savings

Building up your AVC pot could be easier than you think.

How AVCs could help you

AVCs could provide you with extra benefits in retirement.

Flexible paying in, flexible paying out

AVCs are flexible when it comes to building up your pot and when you take your money.

Investment choices

When it comes to choosing where to invest, there’s no need to feel overwhelmed.

Existing customers

Already paying AVCs? You can manage your plan online.

To increase or apply for AVCs or for any other information, you should read your Key Features document, your Key Features Illustration and your Fund Guide as these documents have important information about the risks, benefits, charges and costs of the product and funds to help you make a decision. You will find these online if you're already paying AVCs or by contacting your employer/scheme administrator.

If you're not yet registered, you can do this now.

If you're an existing member with a general enquiry, call us on 0345 600 0383. Lines are open Monday to Friday from 8.30am to 6:00pm.