There’s nothing we can do to stop life happening, for better or worse. What we do have control over is how we prepare ourselves.
Taking out financial protection is one way you can do this. It's a safety precaution which can go a long way if something bad happens. For example, if you fall ill and are unable to work. You may have loved ones that rely on your support or bills that need paid. Knowing you've got a backup plan in place could mean one less thing to worry about, and possibly even a better night's sleep.
Being unable to earn is less of a worry if you know your salary is protected. If you have to take time off work – perhaps because of an accident or injury – then you'll still receive some of your income. Most policies have a waiting period between when you’re unable to work and when you can receive payments. They also usually have a limit on the amount you can cover yourself for.
As advisers, we can help by…
Explaining how everything works, and whether or not your personal circumstances warrant any specific types of cover. We’ll set everything up, helping to preserve your earning potential for when you most need it.
It's perfectly normal to insure things like our homes and cars, so why shouldn't we take the same precautions with our lives? Life cover provides your beneficiaries with a lump sum if you die within the term of cover. This can help towards financial commitments which your loved ones might be left with.
As advisers, we can help by…
Recommending life cover that suits your circumstances, as there are different options available. We’ll set everything up and take care of all the necessary details, so you don’t have to.
This pays out a tax-free lump sum if you're diagnosed with a specified serious illness. Typically, these are life-threatening conditions such as some types of cancer, heart attack or stroke. There's a chance you might never need it, but it's often better to be safe than sorry. It can be a great way of helping those closest to you financially.
As advisers, we can help by…
Working with you to understand what expenses you may need to cover if you were to fall critically ill. Doing so will help us recommend how much cover you might need. This will be different for everyone, so it's important we tailor things appropriately for you.
This pays out a tax-free lump sum which can help loved ones after your death. This might help towards funeral costs, for example. Although, it doesn’t have to be used for anything in particular. It covers your whole life, meaning it pays out regardless of when you die. What you do have to be aware of is that, from the point of taking out cover, there’s a time in which it won’t pay out – usually a year or two.
As advisers, we can help by…
Explaining important things to be aware of, and how they apply to you. Depending on how long you live, there’s a chance that what’s paid out could be less than the premiums you’ve paid in. This is because the amount of cover is fixed, meaning inflation can eat away at its value. If you stop paying your premiums, your cover will stop and you won’t get anything back.
Someone by your side who's looking out for your financial future, with your best interests at heart.
We're here to help, not judge. We'll listen to your goals, worries and personal circumstances.
No matter where you are in life, we can help set up a protection plan in the most suitable way.