It’s often said that money makes the world go round, and whilst it certainly isn’t everything, there’s no denying it plays a key role in our lives. It can help us achieve our goals, support those we love, and prepare us for the unexpected.
Planting the right seeds in the right places has the capability to make our money grow. And that’s where saving and investing can be so powerful. Given the right care and attention, it holds the potential to open up opportunities in life or shelter you from a rainy day. You might just be getting started with saving and investing, or maybe you’re already pretty experienced – either way, our experts can help you make your money work even harder, and in a tax-efficient way.
The value of your investment can go down as well as up so you might not get back the amount you put in.
When it comes to saving and investing, it’s important to consider the impact inflation – the rate at which the price of goods and services increase – can have on your money. Over time, inflation can eat away at its value, meaning you may be able to buy less in the future.
Because of this, we have to consider what we need our money for, and when. This might be something in the near future – perhaps a wedding – or something many years away, such as retirement. Having a clear idea means our experts can help you manage your money in the best way possible; whether that’s taking advantage of an employer’s pension contributions, or an ISA’s tax-relief, for example. A carefully considered plan can help minimise the impact of inflation, laying the groundwork for a financially secure future. You’ve worked hard for your money – we’ll make it work hard for you.
Investing means taking on some risk in the hope that your money will grow in value. Although it could just as easily drop in value, meaning you could end up with less than you originally paid in. There’s often a fine line between the two, and our experts can help you approach things more confidently.
You can invest in different things, including equities or stocks and shares, bonds, property and cash. Different investments have varying levels of risk associated with them. Riskier investments tend to have more potential for higher returns, whilst less risky investments typically return less. Because of this, it's usually a good idea to spread your money over a variety of investment types. In other words, don't put all your eggs in one basket. We'll ensure you get the balance right.
The longer you leave your money invested, the more chance it has to ride out any periods of bad performance, as well as benefit from compound growth. Compound growth can sound complicated, but it’s a basic law of mathematics where the returns your money earns, then generates returns itself – a bit like the snowball effect. Einstein was even rumored to have called compound growth the eighth wonder of the world.
Understanding the right saving and investing approach for your money can be complicated. And that’s where we can advise you. Before we recommend what’s most appropriate, we’ll get a clear picture of your individual circumstances. Only then will we put together a plan that has your best interests at heart.
We’ll find the most suitable way for you to invest, within a level of risk that you’re comfortable and can afford to take. This might include spreading your money over different types of investments to complement what you're looking to achieve. Tax, like inflation, can have an influence on your finances, so we’ll ensure you’re making the most of all your allowances. We can also look at your day-to-do finances to free up more money for your future.
"M&G Wealth Advice” is a trading name of M&G Wealth Advice Limited which is registered in England and Wales. Registered office at 10 Fenchurch Avenue, London EC3M 5AG. Registered number 5739054. Authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.