Consumer Duty
and our support for you


Consumer Duty is all about putting clients first and delivering good customer outcomes. At M&G Wealth Platform we are committed to maintaining a customer-centric culture and embedding client focussed outcomes within all our objectives. For me, this isn’t because we need to comply with a new piece of regulation, it’s simply the right thing to do.

In our Consumer Duty Hub you’ll find our value assessments, target market documents and other key information about our products. This will give you everything you need to assess overall value, combined with the service you provide to your clients. 

Let’s keep working together to make sure we always deliver the best possible outcomes.

Richard Denning, CEO M&G Wealth Platform

Value assessment documents can be found within the SIPP, ISA and GIA tabs above.

Navigating Consumer Duty with our client segmentation guide

Client segmentation can help you evidence how you understand and meet client needs in support of your Consumer Duty obligations.

Use this actionable guide to revisit or develop your client segmentation strategy today.

Get the guide

Useful FCA guides and documents

FCA's Policy statement and final rules

The FCA's policy statement (July 2022).

FCA's dedicated Consumer Duty page

A hub for all FCA Consumer Duty content including the final rules, key publications and key milestones.

FCA's events page

Find out what Consumer Duty events are planned across the UK between February and June 2023.

Outcome 1: Products and Services

The FCA wants all products and services for retail customers to be fit for purpose. This means they are designed to meet consumers’ needs, and subsequently targeted at these consumers with different requirements, depending on the firm’s role in the distribution chain.

Outcome 2: Price and Value

The FCA’s second outcome is based on its assertion that consumers experience harm where they don’t get value for their money. And a lack of fair value is also unlikely to be consistent with customers realising their financial objectives. 

Outcome 3: Consumer Understanding

All firms will be expected to go beyond the current Principle 7, ‘clear, fair and not misleading’, when communicating with customers. The FCA wants consumers to be given the information they need, at the right time, and presented in a way they can understand.

Outcome 4: Consumer Support

This relates to how a firm supports its customers using its products and services. The purpose of this support should enable customers to realise the benefits of the products and services they buy, pursue their financial objectives, and ensure they can act in their own interests.