New look simpler annual benefit statements

We launched a new look simpler annual benefit statement for some types of workplace pensions in October 2022.

Our updated statements have a simpler layout that highlights the most important information you need to know about your pension savings.

There are two parts: a two page annual benefit summary highlighting the main details of your pension and the additional information which is everything else that you need to know.

Annual benefit summary 

This is all of the most important information about your pension in a two page summary, so you can find it quickly and easily. On these two pages you’ll find:

  • How much money you already have in your pension plan. This is the amount of money you have in your pension – including any voluntary contributions you’ve made, your employer contributions and any costs and charges.
  • How much money you could have when you retire. You’ll get an illustration showing the assumed growth of your pension pot, and how much money you could have when you’re ready to retire.
  • What you can do to give yourself more money in retirement. We’ve provided contact details for where to go to get independent information and advice for your pension, so you can get help to maximise your savings.
  • Contact us. All our contact information is in one easy to find place. 

Additional information 

All of the rest of the really important details about your pension are in the additional information. This is all the supporting information that we need to let you know about, to help you understand your pension and any options that may be available to you.

  • The funds you’re invested in. This is a list of funds you’re invested in, how many units you have, the unit price, the value of those units and fund management charges.
  • More information about your plan. You’ll find details about contributions you’ve paid in and money taken as charges. 
  • Assumptions and more about your plan. More information about the assumptions we’ve made that help explain what you might get back from your pension plan.
  • Give yourself more money in retirement. This is a list of things to consider to see if you’re on track to meet your future financial needs, together with information on options you may have to access your savings, from age 55.
  • Where to get more information. Some important places to find out more about pension allowances, taxation and charges.

As a member of a scheme (or schemes), what will this mean for me?

The Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) guidelines provide a consistent layout across all workplace pension providers, making annual benefit statements easier to read and understand. The new two page summary will make it easier for you to compare and contrast  your pension information, if you have multiple schemes.

And it’s not unusual to have multiple schemes. With automatic enrolment, when you change employer, you’ll usually be enrolled into your new employer’s pension scheme. This means you may have multiple pension pots. You’ll receive an annual benefit statement for each scheme, whether you’re actively paying into it, or not. 

Not sure about something in your statement?

If you’re not sure of some of the words or terms that have been used, please check our glossary for more information

We recommend you speak to a financial adviser, if there’s something you’re not sure about. If you don’t have an adviser, you can find out how to get one at 

If you're over 50 we also recommend you speak to PensionWise – a government service from MoneyHelper which offers free and impartial guidance to help you understand your retirement options. Visit or call 0800 280 8880 or (+) 44 20 7932 5780 if you’re calling from outside the UK. 0800 numbers are free to call from the UK, international calls are charged at your international rate.

Want to start getting statements online?

If you’re not already receiving your annual benefit statement and other communications from us online, then check to see if your pension plan is eligible at To register for the online service you’ll need to be the policy holder, have your plan number and postcode to hand. 

Once you’ve registered, your documents will be stored safely in one place - less paperwork for you and better for the environment. You’ll also be able to check your pension value at any time, make changes to your details and contact us with secure messaging.

Security and scams

Protecting yourself and your savings from scammers is important to us. Read our articles to find out what you can do to keep your information and savings safe, what to look out for and who to contact at