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04 September 2019 • London

M&GPrudential establishes equities team in Asia

  • Significant step in company’s international growth strategy

M&GPrudential today announces a significant investment in Asia Pacific equity fund management and research capability to meet client demand for assets in the region.

Seven investment professionals with over 50 years’ experience in developed and developing Asian markets join M&G today. Dave Perrett and Carl Vine will lead M&G’s newly created Asia Pacific team from London, while four of the team – including a portfolio manager, a dealer and two analysts - will be based in Hong Kong and Singapore, subject to local regulatory approval.

All seven new joiners previously worked together at Port Meadow Capital Management.

This represents a significant step in M&GPrudential’s strategy to invest in global locations and markets offering client development opportunities and scope for future growth.

Jack Daniels, Chief Investment Officer of M&GPrudential, says:

“Our strategy is to complement our exceptionally strong investment management capabilities in the UK with experienced investment teams in locations of strategic importance to our customers and clients.

“This addition of Asia Pacific investment resource and expertise is a great step forward in our strategy, and demonstrates our commitment to a region with exciting long-term growth opportunities.”

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Notes to Editors

Dave Perrett, with 28 years of investment experience, joins M&GPrudential as Co-Head of Asian Investment. He was previously with Oxford-based Port Meadow Capital Management, a boutique investment firm he co-founded with Carl Vine in 2014. Prior to that, he was a Managing Director and Senior Portfolio Manager with UBS, specialising in investing capital across the Asia Pacific region and was based in Hong Kong until June 2009. He served as Chief Investment Officer, Life and Institutional for Prudential Asset Management (Hong Kong) from 2001 to 2004. Dave began his career with Prudential (London) in 1991.

Dave holds a Bachelor of Science, Economics (1991) from the London School of Economics and a Master of Science from the University of London (1995).

Carl Vine has 22 years of investment experience and joins M&GPrudential as Co-Head of Asian Investment. He co-founded Oxford-based Port Meadow Capital Management, a boutique investment firm, in 2014. Prior to Port Meadow, he was a Managing Director and Portfolio Manager for SAC Capital Advisors in Hong Kong. He was a responsible officer for the business locally, and was the Asian-based member of their global investment committee. He was a Managing Director at UBS in Hong Kong, where he invested proprietary capital across Asia and Japan. He also spent time as a Principal for TPG-Axon Capital. Carl began his career with Prudential Portfolio Managers in London, before relocating to Tokyo to open Prudential’s Japan office.

Carl holds a Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Politics, Philosophy & Economics from Oxford University (1997).

M&GPrudential is a leading savings and investments business which was formed in 2017 through the merger of Prudential plc’s UK and Europe savings and insurance operation and M&G, its wholly-owned international investment manager. In March 2018, Prudential plc announced its intention to demerge M&GPrudential and give it a premium listing on the London Stock Exchange. Prudential plc has announced that it expects the demerger will take place in the fourth quarter of this year.

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