For more information on the financial terms used in this page, please consult the glossary.

Our philosophy

We believe that being active investment owners can lead to more successful businesses and to better social and environmental outcomes. We support companies over the long term if appropriate, through their business and market cycles, in the belief that it is often more responsible to use our influence to foster real-world improvements, rather than divesting and passing the problem on to someone else.

The year in figures


Company meetings attended by our equity team in 2023


ESG engagements


Meetings where we voted against at least one resolution

Source: M&G Annual Stewardship Report 2023.

Using engagement to drive positive changes

Engagement forms an integral part of how we integrate sustainability and ESG considerations in our investment process. We engage with companies to add value to the investment process or provide feedback to the company, focusing on achieving positive real world outcomes. We engage on company-specific issues, identified during our regular monitoring and ESG portfolio reviews, and on broader themes, such as climate change or modern slavery.

Read our engagement policy



Active and informed voting is an integral part of our responsibility as stewards of our clients’ assets. In using our votes, we seek to add value and protect the interests of our clients as shareholders, while encouraging sustainable business practices – not least, better corporate governance, disclosure practices and board diversity. Internal voting guidelines and policy research guide and inform our voting, and we publish voting decisions on our website and in our annual stewardship report.

Read our voting policy


Stewardship reports

Our stewardship reports provide a comprehensive overview of our engagement, voting and other responsible investment activities from the previous year or quarter, including statistics and example case studies.

Read the annual stewardship report


The value of investments will fluctuate, which will cause prices to fall as well as rise and you may not get back the original amount you invested. The views expressed on this page should not be taken as a recommendation, advice or forecast. We are unable to give financial advice. If you are unsure about the suitability of your investment, speak to your financial adviser.

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