If your investment needs change or you decide that you’d like to invest in a different fund, you can switch between M&G funds at any time while keeping your investment within the same product.
Switching between funds may incur a charge. Contact a financial adviser or call our Customer Relations team on 0800 390 390 if you require any further information (including minimum switching limits) and to obtain a switching pack free of charge.
Unless you specify otherwise, you'll automatically be allocated the same share type (income or accumulation shares) that you currently hold in the new fund. However, if you want to change the share type – if your income preferences have changed, perhaps – you must let us know.
Note that switching between funds within an OEIC is a chargeable event for Capital Gains Tax (CGT) purposes. If you are unsure of your tax position, contact a financial adviser.
You might need to pay tax depending on your circumstances and the options you choose. Tax rules can also change in the future.
At M&G, we believe it’s the longer-term financial decisions, as well as the day-to-day choices we make, that have the potential to create a brighter future for us all. And while we offer a wide range of funds, each with their own individual aims and objectives, a number of our funds can help meet this need, and aim to achieve something better for the environment and society, one investment at a time.
As an M&G customer, you’re already making the most of the potential advantages of investing in the stockmarket. However, if your current investments are doing well, you may well have to pay tax on any gains you make.
If you move your investments into an M&G ISA (Individual Savings Account), they will be protected from both income and capital gains tax. It's easy to sell your existing M&G OEIC and reinvest the proceeds into The M&G ISA.
Under HM Revenue & Customs regulations, we cannot transfer your existing investment straight into an M&G ISA as stock. Instead, we need to sell your shares and reinvest the sale proceeds into your choice of ISA fund(s).
You should note that your investment will be out of the market between the sale of your existing fund(s) and the purchase of your new fund(s) on the following business day.
HM Revenue & Customs will treat this as a new ISA investment, so it counts as part of your ISA allowance for the relevant tax year.
ISA tax rules may change in the future and their tax advantages depend on your individual circumstances.
The sale of your existing investment will count as a disposal for Capital Gains Tax (CGT) purposes. When the sale proceeds are reinvested in full, any CGT liability will have to be met from other resources.
We don’t give financial advice, so you should speak to a financial adviser if you need help deciding if an investment is right for you.
Prospectus, Key Investor Information Documents (KIIDs) and Costs and charges illustration for the fund(s) in which you wish to invest by clicking here.
You should also read the Important Information for Investors document, which includes M&G’s Terms and Conditions.
Online – You can switch funds and switch products by registering or logging in to our My Account service.
Phone – Call our Customer Relations team on 0800 390 390. Please have your M&G client reference when calling.
Post – You can complete the relevant switching form(s) and relevant literature you require. Complete, sign and return the form to us at: M&G Securities Limited, PO Box 9039, Chelmsford CM99 2XG
Answers to many common queries can also be found in our frequently asked questions section.
The value of your investment can go down as well as up so you might not get back the amount you put in.
To get the most out of your investment, we encourage you to invest for five years, ten years or more. However, if your circumstances change, your investment needs may change too.
With M&G, you have the flexibility to switch between our funds and products so that you can keep your investments in line with your financial needs.
Although switching can often be far cheaper than starting a new investment, it's still a good idea to confirm any charges and which day's price you'll receive. Call our Customer Relations team on 0800 390 390 for more information.
Take a look at our share classes page for further information on charges.
The views expressed on this page should not be taken as a recommendation, advice or forecast.