If you’re considering selling an investment, we strongly recommend you consider speaking with a financial adviser.
As with any investment decision, you should be confident that it’s appropriate for your personal circumstances. Before taking any immediate action, you should also take any potential tax implications into account.
If you don’t already have a financial adviser, you can find one by visiting a financial adviser search website such as www.unbiased.co.uk or www.vouchedfor.co.uk.
If you’re experiencing financial difficulties, or struggling in other ways with the cost of living, you may find it useful to visit your local Citizens Advice. They have information on debt solutions, ways to get help, mental well-being, support available from the Government and more. You can visit their cost of living page for more information.
When you're ready to withdraw some or all of your investment, please note:
Depending on your individual needs, you can:
By setting up a regular withdrawal facility on your account you can arrange to receive regular payments from your investment by direct credit. Simply download a Regular Withdrawal Facility application form. Please note that at present, this facility is only available for investments of £1,000 or more in the M&G Dividend Fund, M&G Episode Growth Fund and M&G Episode Income Fund.
If you would like to withdraw your investment with M&G, in part or in full, you can do so in a number of ways:
Online - You can withdraw online by registering or logging in to our My Account service.
Phone - Call our Investment Helpline
Post - Complete an M&G Withdrawal Form and return it to us at M&G Customer Relations, PO Box 9039, Chelmsford CM99 2XG
Please note, for your protection, and to minimise the risk of financial crime, we’re required by law to verify the identity of all our customers. We’ll always try to confirm your identity electronically, but if we’ve not been able to verify your identity in this way, we may ask you to send us paperwork as evidence of your address and identity. We have to do this before we’re able to release the proceeds to you.
Where we already hold nominated bank details for you on our system, payment will be made by electronic transfer to a UK bank account (BACS). If nominated bank details aren’t held for you on our system, we’ll post a cheque to the address of a named registered holder, we have in our records. We cannot make cheques payable to someone other than a registered holder except in exceptional circumstances. Please call our Customer Relations team to discuss this if you believe you have reason to request such a payment.
If you’d like to confirm whether your identity has already been verified or to set up nominated bank account details on your account, please call our Customer Relations team.
If you decide to withdraw your investment with M&G in part or in full, you can also choose to set up a regular payment facility via Direct Debit on your account to help keep your long-term (10 years or more) investment goals on course. By investing little and often you can smooth out the peaks and troughs of the stockmarket to help increase the value of your investment over the long term.
Please remember that the value of your investments can go down as well as up so you might not get back the amount you put in.
Call our Investment Helpline to find out more.