Whatever your situation in life, it’s never too early to start planning for the future. A regular savings plan can help you maximise potential investment growth in the long term (10 years or more). Investing regularly can help smooth out the ups and downs of the markets.

The M&G Savings Plan is designed to help you make regular investments in an M&G OEIC in an account outside The M&G ISA. It gives you the freedom to invest as little as £10 per month.

You don’t need to invest a lump sum up front, but you can top up your plan with a one-off investment and make withdrawals whenever you like.

The M&G Savings Plan could suit you if you:

  • Have already used your Individual Savings Account (ISA) allowance for the current tax year
  • Want to start investing on behalf of a child outside a Junior ISA
  • Want to hold a joint investment*

*An ISA cannot be held in joint names.

We don’t give financial advice, so you should speak to a financial adviser if you need help deciding if an investment is right for you. The views expressed in this website should not be taken as a recommendation, advice or forecast.

The value of your investment can go down as well as up so you might not get back the amount you put in.

We like to keep our charges simple. For private (non-advised) investors there are only two share classes to choose from when you invest.

  • Sterling Class A Shares for those investing between £500 and £499,999
  • Sterling Class I Shares for investments of £500,000 or more

The M&G Savings Plan offers Accumulation shares only. Accumulation shares don’t pay income. Instead, they automatically reinvest any income accruing to the fund and this is reflected in the share price. Funds with Accumulation shares are shown with Accumulation (or Acc) after their fund name. 

Learn more about share classes on our Share classes page or by downloading our Important Information for Investors document.

The table below shows the minimum investment limits within The M&G Savings Plan. There is no upper limit to the amount you can invest.

Investment minimums (per fund)  
By regular Direct Debit By lump sum investment
Initial amount of £10 Initial amount of £500
Top-up amount of £10 Top-up amount of £100

This document explains who we believe the product is, and is not, suitable for. This is based on M&G’s opinion and doesn’t take into account your individual circumstances.

You can invest in most of our funds in the Fund Centre. Please read the Important Information for Investors document for more information on fund availability.

For information on making an investment with M&G, please visit our Invest with M&G page.

We don’t give financial advice, so you should speak to a financial adviser if you need help deciding if an investment is right for you.

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