Updates to our Workplace Pension funds

Following a recent review, we’ve decided to add the Prudential Dynamic Growth V (PDG V) Fund into the Prudential Dynamic Growth IV (PDG IV) Lifestyle Options.

This change will take place over time from August 2024. It will impact members at different times, depending on which PDG IV Lifestyle Option they’re invested in.

Members who are less than 15 years from retirement won’t be impacted.

We’re also making a slight change to the name of the PDG IV Lifestyle Options. See below.

Name of Lifestyle Option before the change Name of Lifestyle Option after the change
Prudential Dynamic Growth IV Targeting Annuity Prudential Dynamic Growth Targeting Annuity
Prudential Dynamic Growth IV Targeting Cash Prudential Dynamic Growth Targeting Cash
Prudential Dynamic Growth IV Targeting Drawdown Prudential Dynamic Growth Targeting Drawdown
Prudential Dynamic Growth IV Targeting Retirement Options Prudential Dynamic Growth Targeting Retirement Options

For more about Lifestyling and to see examples of how the change could impact an investment journey, please go to our information page.

Following our most recent review of our workplace pension fund range, we’ve decided to close two funds with effect from 11 March 2024. We will close the funds below and move members’ investments – and any future contributions being paid into the closing funds – to alternative funds we have chosen:

Closing fund Alternative fund
Baillie Gifford Sustainable Growth Prudential M&G Positive Impact
Baillie Gifford Diversified Growth Prudential Dynamic Growth II

Closing fund

Alternative fund

Date of closure

Prudential Threadneedle Property S3 fund

Prudential Dynamic Growth I S3 (PDGI)

19 January 2022

Prudential UK Property S3

Prudential Dynamic Growth I S3, or an alternative fund selected by an individual member or scheme.

22 June 2021

Prudential UK Property S1

Trustees of each individual scheme chose the alternative fund for the scheme and notified their members.Where trustees did not choose an alternative we moved members’ investments to the Prudential Discretionary S1 fund

3 June 2021

Prudential Threadneedle Adventurous Pathway

Prudential Dynamic Global Equity Passive

25 January 2021

Prudential Threadneedle Balanced Pathway

Prudential Dynamic Growth V

25 January 2021

Prudential Threadneedle Cautious Pathway

Prudential Dynamic Growth III

25 January 2021

Prudential Threadneedle European Equity

Prudential Europe Equity Passive

25 January 2021

Prudential Threadneedle UK Equity High Alpha

Prudential UK Equity

25 January 2021

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