A friendly voice or the help and guidance you need, is never far away. You can seek out help from your local community or consider a person in your area that may be experiencing the same feelings and emotions as you.
There are many places you can look to support in your local area. Try searching your local council to see what services are available to you.
How you deal with loss is unique to you, and you may not understand how best to manage your emotions and get onto the right path back to feeling well again. Lots of charities have the experience, staff and resources to help you with methods of you coping in any scenario.
The charities below will provide you with help and support on how to deal with a bereavement, as well as offer guidance for you to support others
Losing someone can be painful and the grief can be overwhelming at times. Talking about how you feel and how it’s affecting you is essential to your recovery and not something to shy away from. Speaking about your experience to friends and family would be your first thought and may be enough, but sometimes it might be to seek out more professional support or reach out to the community.
You can get help through various types of support, either through speaking to your GP, your work, charities or potentially paying for a private counsellor.