Prudential Risk Managed funds

Our Risk Managed funds include two ranges of multi-asset funds that work by spreading an investor’s money across multiple different types of assets. 

Those could include, for example, company shares (equities), fixed interest bonds and cash – from both the UK and abroad. 

By investing in a number of different types of asset, the fund manager aims to balance the risk that is being taken. So if one asset is falling in value then another may be increasing. Of course, there could be times when all the assets in the fund are either rising or falling in value depending on the market conditions at that time. 

An important point to remember is that the value of your investment can go down as well as up and you may not get back the amount you put in. We are not recommending one option over another or providing advice on these funds. Please contact a financial adviser if you need help in deciding if these funds are appropriate for your investments.

Prudential Risk Managed Active funds

The Prudential Risk Managed Active funds are a range of five globally diversified funds, each with their own risk profile.  

They invest at least 70% of its assets in other funds which are “actively managed” (i.e. the managers of active funds decide what to buy and sell rather than track the performance of, for example, an index). The fund names are:

  • Risk Managed Active 1

  • Risk Managed Active 2

  • Risk Managed Active 3

  • Risk Managed Active 4

  • Risk Managed Active 5

Prudential Risk Managed Passive funds

The Prudential Risk Managed Passive funds are a range of five globally diversified funds, each with their own risk profile.  

They invest at least 70% of its assets in other funds which are “passively managed” (i.e. the managers of passive funds buy and sell investments with the aim of matching the return of, for example, an index). The fund names are:

  • Risk Managed Passive 1

  • Risk Managed Passive 2

  • Risk Managed Passive 3

  • Risk Managed Passive 4

  • Risk Managed Passive 5


These funds are available as an investment option on the following products:

*The Prudential Retirement Account, International Portfolio Bond and Prudential ISA invest in the OEIC versions of the funds while the other products invest in the Unit-Linked versions. The Unit-Linked versions generally have a slightly larger proportion of their holdings in cash and may have different charges. This, together with the different taxation that may apply to different products, will mean their investment performance can differ from one product to another.

**Waystone Management (UK) Limited are responsible for all of the regulatory and legal aspects of the OEIC funds. Accordingly, OEIC fund names are prefixed with 'WS Prudential'.

This is not a full list of the availability of these funds. Please refer to the appropriate fund guide or product pages for more information.

M&G Treasury & Investment Office (T&IO) monitor the fund managers responsible for the underlying funds that these Multi-Asset funds invest in. T&IO is our team of in-house investment strategists and manager of managers. A large and well-resourced multi-asset team, they are responsible for the performance and direction of a number of funds, including the management of the underlying assets for the UK’s largest With-Profits Fund.

M&G Investment Management Ltd, part of the M&G plc Group, are the Investment managers for the Risk Managed Active/Passive funds. They make the relevant adjustments to the fund based on T&IO recommendations.

Where to get further information

Read more about investment aims and commentary on the financial markets in our Quarterly Update guides: 

Prudential Risk Managed Active funds Quarterly Update guide

Prudential Risk Managed Passive funds Quarterly Update guide

Annual reports and financial statements can be viewed from the Waystone Management (UK) Limited website.

Interim reports and financial statements can be viewed from the Waystone Management (UK) Limited website.

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