Below, we’ve listed the funds you can invest in. You can find out more about the investment objectives, performance (if available) and the charges for each fund in the relevant links. Please read, download and save the Key Investor Information Documents for each fund to help you decide which to invest in.
The Annual Reports and Financial Statements for these funds can be found here.
These OEIC funds are operated by Waystone Management (UK) Limited who are legally responsible for all servicing and administration of the funds.
We're not recommending one option over another or providing advice. If you’re unsure about which fund to invest in you should speak to your financial adviser.
The value of your investment can go down as well as up so you might not get back the amount than you put in. If you take more money from the plan than the amount your investment has grown by, the value of your investment will be less than you’ve put in.
Class A Income funds |
Class A Accumulation funds |