Our Investment products

We've been helping people with their investments for over 170 years. We offer a range of plans to help meet your medium to long term, so five to 10 years or more, investment goals. Find out about our funds and bonds below. The value of your investment can go down as well as up so you might not get back the amount you put in.

Open-ended Investment Company funds

Normally a longer-term investment, our OEIC funds allow you to pool your money with other investors.

Prudential Investment Plan

An investment bond that offers a wide range of funds to invest in.

Prudential ISA

A Stocks and Shares ISA that provides access to a range of investment solutions.

Prudential International Products

Dublin based Prudential International provide access to three tax efficient and flexible offshore products that each provide access to a wide range of funds from both Prudential and other leading fund managers.

International Portfolio Bond

The International Portfolio Bond – Lives Assured is a single premium, whole of life investment bond which offers the potential for growth and provides a small benefit on death.

Prudential International Investment Bond

A medium to long-term (around five to 10 years) investment bond which enables you to invest in a range of investments with the potential for growth.

Helpful guides 

Guide to investment bonds

Debunking the jargon, investment bonds explained.

How does tax work on my UK bond?

Tax rules can change the impact of taxation (and any tax relief) depends on your circumstances.

Looking for information about an existing policy?

Find more information about our investment products in our existing customers area.

Get in touch

Worried about investing in uncertain times?

No one can predict what is going to happen and it is understandable to worry about losing money on your investments. This is why it’s more important than ever to consider financial advice, it really could make a big difference to your money. A financial adviser can recommend ways to make your money work harder and find the right investments for you.


If you already have a financial adviser please speak directly to them. If you don’t and would like help - you can talk to an adviser from M&G Wealth Advice. The advice recommendations we make are from a carefully selected range of products and funds. Using a focused and controlled approach allows us to develop an in-depth knowledge of the products, so we can safely and confidently recommend a solution that’s right for you. This is known as restricted advice.

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You'll be able to send us a variety of requests to help service your existing policy.

If you’d like to send us a letter, we have different address details to best help with your queries.