We’ll help your business reach its potential

In the UK, demand is high for financial advice. As an adviser, partnering with the right organisation can really help you capitalize on those opportunities and build a thriving business.

At M&G Wealth Advice, you’ll get the support you need so that your own hard work, initiative and enterprise will be the drivers of your success.

Backed by the strength of M&G

As one of the major companies in UK financial services, we’re here to back you with the infrastructure and expertise you need to help your business grow.

Support to help you grow

Through our support, training and systems, we help hundreds of advisers to build profitable and sustainable businesses, and we can also provide access to high quality leads to get your client base established, fast.

Build long-lasting value

Our package of support and competitive fee structure enables you to build a healthy income stream, and our commercial model enables you to build enterprise value in your business, so when you’re ready to finish your career as an adviser, there’s an exit strategy in place.

The Financial Advice Paradox

It's an exciting time in financial advice. The world's evolving, and
so are customers' expectations. They have more freedom than
ever when it comes to their money, but only a small percentage
are asking for expert support. So, what do the needs of the
future look like? And how can advisers break down the barriers?
We've teamed up with Aon to find out.

Read our white paper