To build and manage the portfolios, we leverage M&G plc’s investment capabilities in ESG research and investing, asset allocation, fund research, andportfolio management.
The value of any investment can go down as well as up, so your customer might not get back the amount they put in.
These can be shown to your clients as a perfect introduction, or to help them understand their investment.
A range of five actively managed multi-asset portfolios with ESG objectives.
A range of five risk-managed portfolios predominantly invested in passive funds.
A range of five risk-managed portfolios invested in a blend of active and passive funds.
Our library of support material gives you easy access to a suite of helpful items including fact sheets, guides, risk mapping, performance and investment outlooks.
Explore the latest disclosure and regulatory information around how to complain, inducements, conflict of interest, capital requirements and the UK Stewardship Code.
Please contact us and one of our Business Development Team will give you a call back.