We have a range of trusts designed to help your clients meet their estate planning objectives. The value of any investment can go down as well as up so your client might not get back the amount they put in.
From 1 April 2023, the Trust Regulation Service (TRS) regulations have been widened. Due to the 5th Money Laundering Directive an up-to-date HMRC ‘proof of registration’ document may be required before we action certain transactions or make updates to trust details. Our Trust Registration Service completion guide is available here.
Our Discounted Gift Trust allows your client to put a lump sum into trust for their beneficiaries while retaining the right to regular payments.
Our Loan Trust allows your client to access a capital sum, while any growth on their investment is outside of their estate.
Our Gift Trust provides an Inheritance Tax planning solution for clients who want to make an outright gift in a tax-efficient way.
Our Excluded Property Trust provides a way of protecting offshore bond investments or UK OEICs from Inheritance Tax liabilities if your clients are UK residents but not currently UK domiciled or treated as UK domiciled.
The Probate Trust allows your client to grant their beneficiaries quick access to the bond following their death.