Prudential Life Distribution Funds - Latest Pence Per Unit Distribution Rates and Yields

Within our Prudential Investment Plan and Flexible Investment Plan^ contracts there is the option to take income* through dedicated Distribution Income Funds. These funds include two multiple-asset class managed funds and seven single asset class funds.

The value of any investment, and any income taken from it, can go down as well as up so your customer might get back less than they put in.

The rate of growth of funds and any income from them cannot be guaranteed.

Prudential Investment Plan

Fund Name Fund Series Payment (Pence Per Unit) Payment Date % Income Yield (Annualised) ** % Income Yield (Per Annum) ***
Prudential 0-35% Equity Managed Distribution 2 1.80 16-Aug-24 4.54% 3.68%
Prudential Managed Distribution Fund 2 2.20 16-Aug-24 5.72% 5.03%
Prudential Distribution Fund 2 3.10 16-Aug-24 5.74% 4.99%

Flexible Investment Plan^

Fund Name Fund Series Payment (Pence Per Unit) Payment Date % Income Yield (Annualised) ** % Income Yield (Per Annum) ***
Prudential 0-35% Equity Managed Distribution 6 1.80 16-Aug-24 4.49% 3.77%
  7 1.70 16-Aug-24 4.51% 3.60%
Prudential Managed Distribution Fund 6 2.40 16-Aug-24 5.55% 4.83%
  7 2.30 16-Aug-24 5.62% 4.84%

^ The Flexible Investment Plan was closed to new business from 28 February 2013 but will remain open for top-ups.

* Where we use the term "income" we are referring to regular payments an investor may choose to receive from their investment. HM Revenue & Customs may not tax these regular payments as income in the same way that dividends or any other income are treated. Any income or withdrawal taken will reduce the value of a bond / plan. If the income or withdrawals are more than any overall growth achieved the value of a bond / plan will reduce below the level of original capital invested.

** The yield shown is the latest fund series pence per unit as an annualised percentage of the fund bid price at the time of distribution.

*** The yield figures have been calculated by adding the previous and current % income yield annualised figures then dividing them by two.