Spring Budget 2021

1 min read 4 Mar 21

The Chancellor delivered his budget on 3rd March 2021.

We waited with bated breath to find out if he would start raising revenue through taxation increases or concentrate on support and stimulus for the economy. We got both.

The key announcements affecting the financial planner was a much anticipated change to Corporation Tax and a freezing of tax bands and allowances until 2025/26.

These are expected to raise around £70bn in extra tax revenue with £21bn of that due to the freezing of the mainstream allowances. So plenty of opportunity for the financial planner to show their worth to their clients in reducing tax. 

You can find details of all the changes below. 

Latest Articles – Spring Budget 

UK Tax & Allowances

Information on UK tax and allowance for the years 2020/21 to 2022/23

Spring Budget 2021 – Pension Changes

As had been reported the Lifetime Allowance (LTA) for pension savings was frozen at £1,073,100. Similarly the Annual Allowance (AA rules) and the rules on pension tax relief have remained unchanged for 2021/22.

Spring Budget 2021 – Profit Extraction

From the 2023/24 financial year the rate of corporation tax will increase to a maximum of 25%.

Spring Budget 2021 – Business Tax

The Chancellor announced measures for both profits and losses for businesses.

Income Tax & Capital Gains Tax - Budget 2021 | PruAdviser

Get all the information on Income Tax and Capital Gains Tax (CGT) that relates to the Spring Budget 2021 from PruAdviser.

Spring Budget 2021 – Inheritance Tax

The Chancellor announced that the nil rate band (£325,000) and residence nil rate band (£175,000) will remain at existing levels until April 2026.