Our Technical team in the Press


Our Technical team are regular contributors of thoughts and insights in the external press. Here you will find some of their recent articles and also those that stand the test of time and are as relevant today as when they were written. 

Note the articles were correct at the date they were written and some details may have moved on since then. 

LTA abolition brings advisers 'tax year-end with a twist'

Les Cameron looks at what advisers need to think about before April as we near the abolition of the LTA. 

Tax doctor: How to make the most of discounted gift trusts

Barrie Dawson explains what to consider when setting up a discounted gift trust for a client wanting to minimise IHT bills.

Weighing up the planning choices between trusts and BPR

Graeme Robb looks at how trusts and BPR can figure in a client's IHT planning strategy.

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