Regular and Annual Bonuses

On this page you'll find the Regular and Annual Bonuses that have been added to our range of With-Profits investments from 1 April 2024 (unless otherwise stated below).

These rates don't include any Final/Terminal or Additional Bonuses that may apply. Please see the relevant Key Features Document for more information on how the bonus is applied.

We can’t predict the future. Past performance isn't a guide to future performance. For investments in the With-Profits Funds, the value of the Policy depends on how much profit the Funds make and how we decide to distribute it. The rate of future bonuses can't be guaranteed.

Full terms and conditions of all products are available on request from Prudential, Lancing, BN15 8GB.

Savings & Investments

Product 2024 (%) 2023 (%) 2022 (%)
Prudential Investment Plan, Flexible Investment Plan and Prudence Bond (Optimum Return) both No Initial Charge and Initial Charge versions (bonuses added from 1st March 2024)
2.25 1.75 1.25
Prudential Investment Plan, Flexible Investment Plan and Prudence Bond (Optimum Bonus) both No Initial Charge and Initial Charge versions (bonuses added from 1st March 2024)
2.75 2.25 1.75
Prudence Prospects Bond (Optimum Return) (bonuses added from 1st March 2024)
1.85 1.35 0.85
Prudence Prospects Bond (Optimum Bonus) (bonuses added from 1st March 2024)
2.35 1.85 1.35
Prudential International Investment Bond (Sterling Fund) (bonuses added from 1 March 2024)
1.75 1.75 1.75
Prudential International Investment Bond (Euro Fund) (bonuses added from 1 March 2024)
1.25 1.25 1.25
Prudential International Investment Bond (US$ Fund) (bonuses added from 1 March 2024)
1.25 1.25 1.25
International Prudence Bond (Sterling Fund) (bonuses added from 1st March 2024)
1.75 1.75 1.75
International Prudence Bond (Euro Fund) (bonuses added from 1st March 2024)
1.25 1.25 1.25
International Prudence Bond (US$ Fund) (bonuses added from 1st March 2024)
1.25 1.25 1.25
PSA / PIB (bonuses added from 1st March 2024)8
- Fund over £2
2.25 1.75 1.25
- Fund under £2
1.25 0.75 0.25
Prudential OB Life1
1.00/2.00 0.80/1.50 0.80/1.50

Where two rates are given, the first bonus rate applies to the guaranteed basic benefit and the second bonus rate applies to the existing regular/annual bonuses.

8 With effect from 01/03/2020, the high tier bonus threshold was reduced from £6,000 to £2 implying all PSA/PIB business receive high tier bonuses for new money invested from that date going forward.


Product 2024 (%) 2023 (%) 2022 (%)
Personal Pensions4 3.00 2.00 1.50
Personal Pensions9 2.75 1.75 1.25
Prudential Personal Retirement Plan 1
0.10/0.25 0.10/0.25 0.10/0.25
Flexible Retirement Plan (pre 07/11/11) 6
2.75 1.75 1.25
Trustee Investment Plan - Series A (01/01/03 - 07/11/11)10 3.00 2.00 1.00
Flexible Retirement Plan and Trustee Investment Plan - Series A (post 07/11/11)
2.55 1.55 1.05

Where two rates are given, the first bonus rate applies to the guaranteed basic benefit and the second bonus rate applies to the existing regular/annual bonuses.

This category applies to members of the following schemes:

  • The Prudential Personal Pension Scheme (T86)

  • The Prudential Free-Standing Additional Voluntary Contribution Scheme (T96)

And holders of the following plans

  • Prudential Personal Pension (T76)

Only applies to business sold prior to 07/11/11.

9 This category applies to members of the following schemes:

  • The Prudential (PFS) Personal Pension Scheme

  • The Prudential (PFS) Freestanding Additional Voluntary Contribution Scheme

And holders of the following plans:

  • Prudential Flexible Retirement Plan (Mk1 and Mk2)

  • Prudential Personal Pension Account (Mk1 to Mk3)

10 This category also applies to members of the following schemes:

  • Prudential Series A and Premier Plans written on or after 01/01/2003.


Retirement Income

Product 2024 (%) 2023 (%) 2022 (%)
With-Profits Pension Annuity (bonuses added from 6th April 2024)
1.75 0.75 0.25
Former Equitable Life With-Profits Annuity
0.50 0.00 0.00
Flexible Lifetime Annuity & Flexible Income Drawdown Plan (bonuses added from 6th April 2024)
1.75 0.75 0.25

Corporate Pensions

Product 2024 (%) 2023 (%) 2022 (%)
Additional Voluntary Contributions (AVC) Cash Accumulation6 (bonuses added from 15th March 2024) 2.50 1.50 1.00
Additional Voluntary Contributions (AVC) Cash Accumulation6 Series 27 (bonuses added from 15th March 2024) 2.50 1.50 1.00
Defined Contribution (DC) Cash Accumulation6 (bonuses added from 15th March 2024) 2.50 1.50 1.00
Defined Benefit (DB) Cash Accumulation6 (bonuses added from 15th March 2024) 2.00 1.00 0.50
Unitised Group Pensions2 (bonuses added from 6th April 2024) 3.00 2.00 1.50
Exempt With-Profits Fund 11A (Pru Bulk S32 or Pru Company Transfer Plan (bonuses added from 1 April 2024)
2.75 1.75 1.25
Exempt With-Profits Fund 11B (Pru Bulk S32 or Pru Company Transfer Plan (bonuses added from 1 April 2024)
2.50 1.50 1.00

2 This includes: 

  • Group Personal Pension

  • Unitised Group Personal Pension Contracts issued as Corporate Pensions business

  • Unitised Pension Transfer Plan

  • Trustees Transfer Plan

  • Bond 32 101

  • Pension Transfer Plan Section 32 Buy Out

  • Money Purchase Plan

  • Prudential (2003) Money Purchase Pension Plan

  • Prudential (2000) Personal Pension Scheme

The Prudential (2000) Personal Pension Scheme policies are entitled to bonuses from the Pensions With-Profits Fund.

The Bond 32 101 and Pension Transfer Plan Section 32 Buy Out products may have units designated to cover GMP in the With-Profits II Fund for which the rate will be 1% lower than the Unitised Group Pensions rate shown in the table above.

Subject to a guarantee of 4.75% or 2.50% for certain earlier business.

AVC bonus series with guarantee charge that is currently no more than 4% for new AVC customers with effect from 15 March 2019, with deductions building up to this level over the first few years of the policy. The starting (2019) annual bonus rate for the new bonus series was the same as the existing AVC bonus series, and continue to remain so at Final 2024. It is possible the annual bonus rates for the two bonus series could diverge in the future.

Scottish Amicable Life Assurance Society policies

The Scottish Amicable Insurance Fund (SAIF) is closed to new business and all of the surplus of its assets over its liabilities is used to provide enhancements to pay-outs to the SAIF With-Profits Policies.

On 1st April 2021, the SAIF merged with the Prudential With Profits Sub Fund.

Product 2024 (%) 2023 (%) 2022 (%)
Flexipension (1st series)1
0.10/0.25 0.10/0.25 0.10/0.25
Superannuation (2nd series)1
0.10/0.25 0.10/0.25 0.10/0.25
1.00/1.75 0.70/1.25 0.70/1.25
Group Pensions
0.25 0.25 0.25
Flexidowment (2nd series)1
0.80/1.95 0.60/1.45 0.60/1.45
Home Purchaser 2 & 3, and Amicable Savings Plan (Net With-Profits Fund 1)3
2.50/2.50 2.00/2.00 1.50/1.50

Where two rates are given, the first bonus rate applies to the guaranteed basic benefit and the second bonus rate applies to the existing regular/annual bonuses.

Where two rates are given, the first bonus rate applies to the basic units and the second bonus rate applies to the bonus units.

Product 2024 2024 2023 2023
Scottish Amicable Life Assurance Society policies (SAIF)
Pre 2006 investments Post 2005 investments Pre 2006 investments
Post 2005 investments
Exempt With-Profits Funds 1
4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00
Exempt With-Profits Funds 2
4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00
Exempt With-Profits Funds 3
3.00 3.00 2.00 2.00
Exempt With-Profits Funds 3a
4.00 3.00 4.00 2.00
Exempt With-Profits Funds 3b
4.00 3.00 4.00 2.00
Exempt With-Profits Funds 4
4.00 3.00 4.00 2.00
Product 2024 (%) 2023 (%) 2022 (%)
Ex-Scottish Amicable Life (Ex-SAL) Life policies (Net With-Profits Fund 2)3
2.25/2.25 1.75/1.75 1.25/1.25
Pensions With-Profits Funds (series 5&6) (including Trustee Investment Plan (1997))
3.125 2.125 1.625
Pensions With-Profits Funds (series 7&8 (including Trustee Investment Plan - Series A)5
3.00 2.00 1.50

Where two rates are given, the first bonus rate applies to the basic units and the second bonus rate applies to the bonus units.

This category applies to all Ex-SAL Series A and Premier Plans (including TIP Series A) written before the transfer to Prudential on 01/01/2003.