Before |
E'er Saving Passed On |
Employee | 0% | 100% | |
Salary | £40,000 | £37,600 | £37,891 |
Less Income Tax | £5,486 | £5,006 | £5,064 |
Less National Insurance | £2,194 | £2,002 | £2,026 |
Less Contributions paid net* |
£1,920 | £0 | £0 |
Take Home Pay | £30,400 | £30,592 | £30,801 |
Employer | |||
Employer Pension Contribution | £0 | £2,400 | £2,400 |
Plus Salary Paid | £40,000 | £37,600 | £37,891 |
Plus employers National Insurance | £4,264 | £3,933 | £3,973 |
Cost to Employer | £44,264 |
£43,933 | £44,264 |
Maintaining pension contributions at lower cost
Bob has a salary of £40,000 and is paying £2,400 gross per annum into his relief at source personal pension.
His employer agrees to make an employer contribution for him if he gives up some of his salary